uss new jersey crew list 1945

In May 1986, USS New Jerseys battle group was deployed to the Western Pacific, freeing up aircraft carriers for other assignments. She was christened at her launching by Carolyn . The Navy decommissioned her in June 1948. Secretary Lehman used the New Jersey to test the concept of a battleship being the center of its own battle groups, accompanied by cruisers, destroyers, and frigates to help with anti-air and anti-submarine protection. From October 23, 1968, to April 1, 1969, USS New Jersey provided fire support to American troops from Quang Ngai to the DMZ, including Danang, Hue, Phan Theit, Tuy Hoa, Con Thein, and Cam Ranh Bay. She also received the National Defense Service Medal and the China Service Medal. The Navy's World Wide Locatoris a service established to find the present duty station of active duty personnel, and is for official business use only. Fifty such shells were produced, but it is unknown whether they were deployed on the New Jersey or his sister ships. The New Jersey returned to Ulithi on March 5, but even that remote atoll was the target of a night kamikaze attack on March 12. At 1710, Halsey sent a clarifying message that IF THE ENEMY SORTIES [through the strait], TF 34 WILL BE FORMED WHEN DIRECTED BY ME. Unfortunately, Halsey sent this message only through the New Jerseys short-range Talk-Between-Ships (TBS) voice radio, so Nimitz and Kinkaid were unaware that Task Force 34 had not yet been formed to guard the strait. Organization for Veterans is The USS New Jersey BB-62 Veterans, Inc. He would have been 18 or 19 then so just a kid. Looking for US Navy memorabilia? With an airstrike scheduled for December 19, Halsey ordered the fleet to refuel at sea on December 17. Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. USS New Jersey (BB-62) was initially painted in dark single-color Camouflage Measure 21 and remained in this scheme for about two years. During the 1950s, a version of the W19 nuclear artillery shell was developed specifically for the 16-inch guns, making them the worlds largest nuclear artillery, and making the Iowa-class battleships the only US Navy ships ever to have nuclear projectiles designed for them. The fueling gear dangled crazy free from the battleships main deck. When Captain Queeg refuses to diverge from the fleet course set by Halsey, the fictional mutiny occurs to save the Caine from foundering like a capsized destroyer it encounters. She was then floated pier side where a huge crane could aid in the final stages of construction, including the installation of the three massive, armored gun turrets and much of the topside equipment. Status changes included reporting to or transferring from the activity, promotions or demotions, change in rate, departing for or returning from leave, temporary attached duty, and formal inpatient status for treatment in a medical facility. After the Caines officers abandon their effort to see Admiral Halsey, they watch USS New Jersey and other floating iron skyscrapers head off to support the landing on Mindoro as part of the most formidable sea force that the planet has ever borne. During the typhoon, the Caine sees the New Jersey trying to refuel a destroyer but the fueling line parts with the destroyer yawing violently near the battleship, trailing a snaky black hose. However, Lee and Spruance declined suggestions that they send the battleline west to engage the Japanese fleet in a night action. She earned the following commendations: World War II Victory Medal; Navy Occupation Service Medal; Philippine Republic Presidential Unit Citation; America Defense Service Ribbon; and the Asiatic Pacific Campaign Ribbon with nine battle stars 1. New Jersey Historical Museum Society, [Up] [Museum] [Help] [Photos] [FinalVoyage] [TheJerseyman] [CrewInfo] [History] [Log] [Links]. Admiral Spruance on the New Jersey took tactical command of this force the first time a four-star Navy admiral was on a ship in a sea action. On January 28, 1946, USS New Jersey yielded her role as flagship of the Fifth Fleet and the Japanese occupation. This site is privately funded and maintained, it has no official sponsorships or Best Time of my Naval Career- Dirk's right we should have shoved a 16 projectile up saddams asshole----and that prick Bin Ladin too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From only 60 miles off the Japanese coast, Fifth Fleets planes blasted airfields and aircraft plants. By the 1980s, new technology enabled as few as 1,600 crew to operate her. The generated steam supplied four sets of Westinghouse geared, double reduction turbines to provide an output shaft horsepower to the four propeller shafts totaling 212,000 horsepower, with the shafts turning up to 202 RPM. U.S., World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949. In late May 1951, U.N. forces counterattacked, driving the Communist forces back above the 38th Parallel. At Long Beach, the New Jersey received overhauls that had been postponed during her rapid reactivation, including her first 16-inch barrel replacement since 1954. That day, however, the Japanese agreed to capitulate. With orders flying from her towering radio mast, she brought Halsey to the Admiralty Islands near New Guinea. On May 6, 1945, USS New Jersey arrived for overhaul at Navy Yard Puget Sound in Bremerton, Washington. Ultimately, the rear 16-inch turret was retained, and was put to good use. The destroyers, cruisers, and battleships obliterated Nishimuras two battleships, his heavy cruiser, and three of his four destroyers. After a minor overhaul, she served as flagship for the Fifth Fleet as the Second World War closed. Halsey did not think Kinkaid needed help from his fleet, which in any case was hundreds of miles away. Home Join Now About Hullnumber Before You Register Tell A Shipmate FAQs Related Links Contact Us. On August 1, during the Republican National Convention, General Norman Schwarzkopf, victor of Desert Storm, gave a nationally televised address to veterans from the deck of this great battleship New Jersey that made so much history and witnessed so much heroism.. Putnams Sons, New York, NY. The ships hull, main guns, and much of its superstructure appear as they did when the New Jersey served in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon, and the Cold War, making it a fitting museum and memorial to all the conflicts and eras during which it served. On Aug. 12, 1945, days after atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, the Donnors received an official telegram at their home in Big Rapids, Mich. Their son, U.S. Navy Radio Technician 2nd Class. The Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, has custody of deck logs from 1941 to 1983, as well asmuster rolls created after 1938. This March, the American Red Cross New Jersey Region is honoring those who make its mission possible during the 80th annual American Red Cross Month celebration a national tradition that began in 1943 when , The Battleship New Jersey and the Independence Seaport Museum next Lecture as part of their yearlong Fleet Talk series will take place at the Independence Seaport Museum on Saturday, March 25 at 7pm. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. 8th ed., Spartanburg SC: MIE Publishing, 1999. On September 9, 1983, USS New Jersey was again ordered to head for a hotspot: Lebanon. USS New Jersey better showed what she could do on February 8, 1984, when she carried out the heaviest shore bombardment since the Korean War. As a result, the two Iowa-class battleships under construction (Illinois (BB-65) and Kentucky (BB-66)) were scrapped, and the more powerful but slower Montana-class battleships (BB-67 through BB-71) were never started. The escort carriers planes relentlessly attacked Japans armored behemoths with whatever weapons they had, including depth charges, small bombs, rockets, and machine gun bullets. Halsey knew Admiral Kinkaid was preparing to confront Admiral Nishimuras southern force at Surigao Strait. Kelley, emphasized: There is no weapon system in the world that comes even close to the visible symbol of enormous power represented by the battleship.. USS Refuge (AH-11), was a hospital ship of the United States Navy during World War II. Her 16- and 5-inch guns destroyed enemy bridges, tunnels, road and rail junctions, railroad yards, trains, bunkers, trenches, troops, mortar pits, artillery positions, shore batteries, supply dumps, ammo dumps, a dam, and an oil refinery. The U.S.S. For The result was the Iowa class, including the New Jersey. Worked as Weapons Dept YN and then in the Captain's Office during the damned Decomm. On April 6, 1953, after passing through the Panama Canal and stopping in Long Beach, Hawaii, and Japan, USS New Jersey again became Seventh Fleet flagship, this time for Admiral Joseph Jocko Clark, who led carriers in the Battle of the Philippine Sea and was the first Native American admiral in the Navy. As a result, she was recommissioned at the lightest weight ever achieved by an Iowa-class battleship. Roughly half the workforce building the New Jersey was from New Jersey and took the ferry across the Delaware River to the Yard, making the New Jersey one of the few battleships built by laborers from her namesake state. After sea trials off California and drills off Pearl Harbor, she headed back to the war on August 2. In two Korean War tours lasting nine months, she was credited with some of the best shooting ever seen. The New Jersey fired nearly twelve million pounds of shells in six months off Vietnam, where she saved thousands of American lives, according to one Marine Corps Commandant. During this tour, the New Jersey was repeatedly visited by the President of South Korea, Syngman Rhee, and his wife. With Admiral Kurita heading for San Bernardino Strait, Admiral Halsey at 1512 sent a radio telegram from USS New Jersey to his subordinate commanders stating that the New Jersey, three other fast battleships, five cruisers and numerous destroyers WILL BE FORMED AS TASK FORCE 34 under Admiral Lee, his battleship commander. A battleship could have knocked out the Thanh Hoa bridge that I was bombing at the time I was shot down [in 1965]. All Rights Reserved. Leyte Operations, 7. These were the first shells fired by the New Jersey in the Vietnamese war. Much work was needed to restore the ship after being in mothballs for over eight years, and to make her safe for visitors. Finally, American scout planes spouted Ozawas lead ships at 1540 and his carriers at 1640. Third Korean Winter Offensive. Our state features a deep and talented film crew, alongside a strong freelance pool and a host of other services. Admiral Halsey in the New Jersey led preparatory airstrikes against the Philippines. Halsey later said he made a mistake in bowing to pressure and turning south. This pointedly illustrated the new roles of carriers and battleships. The New Jersey escorted fast carriers striking Okinawa, Taiwan, and then Luzon. Despite massive air and naval support, Iwo Jima became the most savage and the most costly battle in the history of the Marine Corps. As Admiral Nimitz stated, uncommon valor was a common virtue, illustrated by the raising of the flag on Mount Suribachi. ft. deck is covered by 2 inches of teak on top of 1.5 inches of STS. President Reagan ordered the Marines to withdraw to their ships. The ramp came up, the breeches closed hydraulically, and the guns elevated. The ship was built in 1921 by the New York Shipbuilding Corp., of Camden, New Jersey, as SS Blue Hen State, but was renamed President Garfield in 1923 and then SS President Madison in 1940 for service with American President Lines. Wives and children of Navy personnel, as well as civilians, can be found among passengers as well. Portraits are generally organized alphabetically by surname within each division or department. With the benefit of the New Jerseys experience, other battleship battle groups were formed as the other Iowa-class battleships were reactivated. Admiral Halsey and USS New Jersey led the Third Fleet carriers to strike the Palau Islands in support of the Marines bloody invasion of Peleliu on September 15. On April 13, 1944, USS New Jersey and Admiral Spruances Central Pacific Force now renamed the Fifth Fleet steamed 2,000 miles west to support the amphibious offensive by General Douglas MacArthur and the Seventh Fleet against the Japanese in New Guinea. General MacArthur strode ashore through the surf and broadcasted: This is the voice of freedom, General MacArthur speaking. USS New Jersey remained in commission until June 30, 1948. Very surreal experience to go back. From August 1944, she was flagship of Admiral William F. Halsey's Third Fleet. Register and add yourself to the Crew List of the USS New Jersey (BB 62), Report an offensive or inappropriate entry, I was part of the the decmission crew. 2 turret gunhouse assembly is seen being lowered into position on 12 January 1943. She recommissioned in April 1968 and arrived off Southeast Asia in September. Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories. She was visited by more than 21,000 people. Army Chief of Staff Omar Bradley and Far East Commander Matthew Ridgeway came aboard to confer with Admiral Martin on October 1, 1951. With the battlelines stabilizing and negotiations beginning, USS New Jersey still alternated between escorting carriers and bombarding the North Korean coast. G-2 The Best Turret ( just kidding) Battleship Gunners mates are the best, i loved being on the jersey though i hated my job and some people went out of their way too make my life miserablei loved the ship and enjoyed the travel i think of my time on the jersey almost every day please email me guys at stealthywizard@hotmai. The New Jersey headed back to her homeport of Norfolk via Long Beach and the Panama Canal. The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors, The Extraordinary World War II Story of the U.S. Navys Finest Hour, by James D. Hornfischer, @ 2004 James D. Hornfischer, Published by Bantam Dell, New York, NY. This site's Ships Log nearly The result should have been the slaughter of the slow escort carriers and their tiny escorts. Recognizing that an American capture of Okinawa would enable the invasion of its Home Islands, Japan launched an all-out offensive against the invasion fleet on April 6, 1945. In 1999, Congress allowed the Navy to turn USS New Jersey into a museum, provided she was moored in New Jersey territorial waters. Internet Explorer 5 or Netscape Communicator 4.61 or newer. As USS New Jersey led the entire Third Fleet north that night, some of Admiral Halseys subordinates were concerned that San Bernardino Strait was totally unguarded. As Admiral Halsey later told Sprague: you wrote the most glorious page in American naval history that day. Sadly, later that day, Japan for the first time launched kamikaze suicide planes. Shame my time on her was so short. Feeling as stunned as if I had been struck in the face, Halsey angrily crumpled the message and threw it and his cap on the deck of the New Jersey, stomping on them and furiously cursing. By 1010, his force sank two destroyers, a destroyer escort, and the escort carrier Gambier Bay the first carrier to be sunk in the Pacific by enemy gunfire. Other American planes sank two light carriers and a destroyer and crippled another light carrier and a light cruiser. On June 7, 1947, the New Jersey set off on the training cruise carrying over 500 Naval Academy midshipmen. Porcelain By 1906, the United States had built, or was building, enough battleships to give her the third-largest battleship fleet in the world. Two Korean combat tours in 1951 and 1953 were punctuated by a European cruise in the Summer of 1952. The New Jersey bombarded Japanese bases and escorted carriers attacking Japanese forces on Pacific islands and the Philippines, Taiwan, China, Indochina, and Japan, including the first major carrier raid on Tokyo. On December 14, 1983, USS New Jersey was finally allowed to retaliate the first 16-inch shells fired in anger since her service in Vietnam in 1969. Only the New Jersey played a role in every major amphibious invasion after 1943: the Marshall Islands, the Caroline Islands, the Marianas Islands, New Guinea, the Palau Islands, the Philippines, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. That two such massive amphibious invasions could be launched simultaneously on opposite sides of the globe was an impressive tribute to the Allied war effort. Registration and communicating with shipmates at is FREE FOREVER. The New Jersey sailed on to Eniwetok and then Guam some of the many islands the New Jersey helped recapture. Even the speedy Iowa-class ships were targeted by the budget-cutters. Moreover, the Fifth Fleet would have to transport and land 127,000 American troops 2,400 miles from Guadalcanal and 3,500 miles from Pearl Harbor, where the troops embarked on June 5, 1944. The flat steel wall of the battleships side confronted them. They hit Taffy One and Taffy Three, sinking Spragues escort carrier St. The Battle for Leyte Gulf, by William F. Halsey, Jr., in U.S. Modern battleships are directly descended from the USS Monitor and its armored successors steel-hulled, coal-burning, steam-powered, screw-propelled warships carrying multiple cannons in revolving turrets. Together, this defense and the American air attacks on Taiwans airfield destroyed over 500 Japanese aircraft, including planes transferred from Japans weakened carriers. The damaged Iowa was decommissioned in October 1990, and it was decided the New Jersey would be next. The Third Fleet was bedeviled by kamikaze planes, whose crash-dive suicide attacks were easier for inexperienced pilots than dropping bombs or torpedoes, harder to stop because the Americans had to destroy the attacking plane completely, and more devastating because the plane and its fuel added to the destructive force of its bombs. In December 1985, she became the first battleship to fire the anti-ship version of the Tomahawk missile. From USS New Jersey, Halsey led the Third Fleets fast carriers, fast battleships, and other frontline combatant ships. Vietnamese Counter-Offensive, Phase V, 2. USS New Jersey was commissioned into the Navy on May 23, 1943. The New Jersey remained at Bayonne until the summer of 1962 when she was towed to the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in a consolidation of the Atlantic Reserve Fleet. USS New Jersey was decommissioned on August 21, 1957, in Bayonne, New Jersey, after a party featuring actress Julie Newmar as Miss New Jersey. Meanwhile, ex-Governor and future Presidential candidate Harold Stassen surveyed USS New Jersey as a potential flagship for Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr. Admiral Spruance had felt the New Jerseys flag quarters were spacious, but they were not large enough for Admiral Halseys enormous staff. The Fleet at Flood Tide, America at Total War in the Pacific, 1944-45, by James D. Hornfischer, @ 2016 James D. Hornfischer, Published by Bantam Books New York, NY. For the same reasons, the 19 slower battleships that fought in World War II were decommissioned by 1947. The New Jersey was Spruances last seagoing assignment. Read more Price: US $449.99 No Interest if paid in full in 6 mo on $99+* Buy It Now Add to cart Best Offer: Make offer Add to Watchlist shipmates. In the early part of 1951, U.N. forces again had liberated Seoul and pushed back above the 38th Parallel. Over the next two months, she launched some of her heaviest and most accurate bombardments, again hitting Wonson, Hungnam, and Tanchon and directly supporting U.N. troops near Kansong. The New Jersey also received new search radars to scan for hostile planes and ships, a new electronic countermeasures system, and an improved super blooming chaff dispenser, to confusing enemy radar-guided missiles. When the first American ship entered Leyte Gulf, Japan triggered its new decisive battle plan called Sho Ichi Go, meaning Victory One Operation. This complicated plan sought to use Admiral Ozawas carriers, which had only a few planes and trained pilots, as bait to lure Halsey and the Third Fleet away from Leyte Gulf while Japans still powerful surface fleet launched a two-pronged pincer attack Admiral Takeo Kurita through San Bernardino Strait and Admiral Shji Nishimura through Surigao Strait into Leyte Gulf to destroy the American amphibious ships there. Beginning in the 1880s, armored, turreted battleships became the capital ships of the worlds major naval powers. Her introduction led to the major powers building great fleets of ever more powerful dreadnought battleships. History of United States Naval Operations in World War II, by Samuel Eliot Morison, Published by Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA. Some of the records for personnel on aircraft carriers also include corresponding images of the ship. Before the battle, American submarines spotted multiple Japanese task forces headed across the Philippine Sea separating the Philippines and Marianas Islands. After she had steamed east over 6,000 of the 8,000 miles to Long Beach, on April 15, 1969, the North Koreans, who in January had seized the intelligence ship USS Pueblo, shot down an unarmed EC-121 Constellation reconnaissance aircraft over international waters, killing 31 Americans. These line of battle ships or battleships were the mainstays of their fleets and decided the fate of empires. This database contains U.S. Navy muster rolls and associated reports of changes for U.S. Navy enlisted personnel who served on U.S. Navy ships or in other naval activities between 31 January 1938 and 31 December 1949. Fighting off kamikazes, the New Jersey protected carriers which struck Japanese bases in Vietnam, Canton and Hainan Island in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. On February 16-17, to prevent kamikazes from interfering with the landings, the New Jersey escorted the first major carrier strike against Japan.

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