sherra wright husband, reginald robinson

Furthermore, Sherra's father Julius Robinson was a basketball coach. The book goes on to describe how it took six years for a marriage proposal and how Mr. Tell Me Mr. Another interesting twist - Sherra Wright-Robinson married a Shelby County Sheriff's deputy after Wright's murder. And, as she got credit for all the time she already served in the local jail pending her trial, it reduced her potential prison time to around 7 years. Tennessee Department of Corrections/Getty All within 10 months. The ex-wife convicted of conspiring to murder her husband, former NBA player Lorenzen Wright, has officially asked a judge to throw out her guilty plea, according to The Associated Press. She allegedly had even tried to assassinate Wright before, but failed in doing so. County officials confirmed Wednesday that Reginald Robinson is a patrol officer for the sheriff's office. She appeared in a Riverside, California, court handcuffed to a wheelchair during Monday's extradition hearing, which was continued to Wednesday so a doctor could check her health. Julius trained her son-in-law Lorenzen Wright. copyright 2023. Sherra was the daughter of Wright's AAU coach, Julius Robinson. She was sentenced to 30 years in prison. However, the writer is best known as Lorenzen Wright's ex-spouse. Sherra Wright, ex-wife of forward and center with 13-year NBA career who was shot dead in July 2010, arrested in California . Slain NBA player Lorenzen Wright's ex-wife, Sherra Wright, has been denied parole from a 30-year prison sentence she's serving after pleading guilty to facilitating her husband's 2010 murder. Sherra Wright Robinson is an American author as well as the ex-wife of former NBA player Lorenzen Wright who was a player for the University of Memphis who had played for several NBA teams such as; Los Angeles Clippers and Memphis Grizzlies. He was also employed during the time Lorenzen Wright was murdered. Lorenzen Wright's mom, Deborah Marion, said she's glad Sherra Wright is in jail and believes she should have received a longer sentence. Overall, she has got a healthy body with a nice personality. There is a chapter about Sharon's first pregnancy. She lives in the community of Murrieta so her sons can play basketball just did Wright did. According to the news reports, she was involved with a guy named Billy in attempting the homicide, as the police confirmed in the local news. In relation to her career, the only known thing is that she is a writer. The latest episode of Oxygen's Snapped, which airs on October 30, 2022, covers the case of Sherra Wright-Robinson and her husband, famed NBA star Lorenzen Wright, whose death shook the sports world around. Lorenzen Wright died on July 19th, 2010 (aged 34) in Memphis, Tennessee after his ex-wife and a man Billy Ray Turner conspired to kill him. Turner is serving life in prison. She could be eligible for release sooner, with good behavior, but recent records show that she has a discipline problem in jail, meaning that that might not be in the cards for her. The twins are now college basketball players at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, according to The Telegraph. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Sherra Wright pleaded guilty to Facilitation of Murder in the First Degree on 25th . Tonight on ABCs20/20,ESPN and ABC News correspondent Ryan Smith reports on updates in the case including legal developments and questions about what happened to the NBA player. Sherra Wright Robin is a very pretty woman with a charm on her face attracting a lot of people toward her. He was living in Atlanta and went to the Memphis, Tennessee suburbs to see his six children on July 18, 2010, the article continued. Her growing up, education and her life before Lorenzo Wright has been kept under wraps and off the media. Several paragraphs are dedicated to Mr. Tell Me Anything's family fighting over the money they were expecting him to make, before the NBA player even began earning millions. Sherra Wright Robinson is the ex-wife of former NBA player Lorenzen Wright. Mr. Tell Me Something. The duo was also blessed with seven children/kids named Lorenzen Wright Jr., Shamar Wright, Lawson Wright, Lamar Wright, Sofia Wright, Sierra Wright, Loren Wright. Sherra Wright-Robinson is currently incarcerated at the Tennessee Prison for Women, where she will stay until at least 2026. She will be eligible for release on December 18, 2022, according to the site, though reports show that it will be years later than that before she is eligible. There is no indication that Robinson was involved or had any knowledge about Lorenzen Wright's murder. Moreover, she is also an author. And just a little bit past it, she reportedly said in 2015. Investigators believe he was killed on July 19, 2010. Sherra Wright Wiki. The novel, published five years after Lorenzen Wright's execution-style murder, is classified as urban fiction, but the main characters are eerily similar to . It also highlights how it was she, his ex-wife, Sherra Wright-Robinson, who masterminded his slaying. Sherra Wright received $1 million from her ex-husband's life insurance policy. The state said she manipulated Turner and her cousin Jimmie Martin into helping her plot, execute, and cover up the murder so she could get insurance money. Born Lorenzen Vern-Gagne Wright in 1975, he spent his early years in Oxford, Mississippi, before moving to Memphis as a teenager. Sierra Wright was born in 2002 and died just 11 months later from sudden infant death . Sherra Wright Robinson is an author from Memphis, Walnut, Mississippi, USA and the ex-wife of former NBA player Lorenzen Wright who became the internet sensation as Sherra was charged for the homicide of his husband in association with a man named Bill Ray Turner 25th July 2019 which has been remaining unsolve for over 7 years. Because she gathered there was something absolutely missing, like me. And what we were hearing from the police. He can be reached at and followed on Twitter @LucasFinton. "Following a May 11, 2022 initial parole hearing, the Board of Parole has now finalized a decision by voting to deny parole for Sherra Wright (#00610305) based on the seriousness of the offense," a press release from the board, obtained by the Commercial Appeal,said. She also told the Commercial Appeal that she planned a sequel where Mr. Tell Me Anything is killed. Two years after Lorenzen Wright's death, his then 10-year-old twin sons Lamar and Shamar spent a year living with Sherra's brother, Marcus Robinson, in Wildomar in Riverside County. She is believed to have been killed on July 19, 2010, when gunshots were heard during his call to 911. There is no more information regarding her parents, siblings and more. Brown was named in the affidavit for the search warrant of Sherra's phone. According to the Tennessee Department of Corrections, Wright's next parole hearing is set for May 1, 2027. A woman who admitted murdering her NBA star ex-husband has now claimed she was bullied into making the confession for fear of her children's lives.. Sherra Wright is currently serving a 30-year . After all, they did have a total of seven children together. After further investigation, the authorities eventually traced the murder weapon to Billy Ray Turner and subsequently to Sherra Wright-Robinson, who allegedly murdered the NBA star due to greed and personal benefits. Wrights disappearance and murder will be featured on the premiere episode of Infamy: When Fame Turns Deadly tonight on VH1. Sherra now married to Montgomery County sheriff's deputy, Reginald A. Robinson Sr., was arrested along with the alleged triggerman man, Billy Ray . Sherra Wright received $1 million from her ex-husband's life insurance policy. Lorenzen Wright's Spouse, Sherra Wright Robinson was born in 1975 (age 44 years old, as in 2019) in Memphis, Tennessee. Sherra Wright Robinson was born in 1971 in Tennessee as an African-American to her father, Julius Robinson and an unknown mother. Lorenzen Wright was shot over a decade ago. Police had several reasons to suspect Sherra Wright in her ex-husbands disappearance, the article said. Sherra was born in 1975 and belongs to the African-American race. He revealed information about a man named Billy Ray Turner, who along with Sherra came to ask for his help. Why? Had she been granted parole, she would have served less than half of that minimum. It was reported that she was in $3 million in debt. Im just going to say because of my children, I have made this decision, and because of them Im not going to go into many more details right now, but Im just going to say everything is not what it seems, she told the publication. In December 2017, she was charged with her ex-husband's murder and in July 2019, she pleaded guilty. Days later, Sherra Wright Robison was also arrested for the same crime of first, the attempted murder her husband and second, the conspired murder of her husband. He has a hit on me.'. Please logout and login again. As an author, she has written a book, "Mr. Tell Me Anything" which is a fiction book that featured what appeared to be a "thinly disguised depiction of her ex-husband". Although her career, as well as her family history with sports have spurred her to fame, it was the revelation that she not any other was the mysterious killer her husband that pushed her more to the limelight as the case has lingered unsolved for 7 years. Billy Ray Turner sentenced to 141 years in prison. Her only work that has so far made it to the limelight is the book, Mr. Tell Me Anything fiction with a touch of reality a touch Sherra Wright Robinson describes as 99.99%. Lauren Daigle Biography Is She Married and Who is Her Husband? Billy Ray Turner is charged with conspiring with Sherra Wright to killer her ex-husband, retired NBA player Lorenzen Wright, whose body was found in a swampy field Memphis in 2010. Wright-Robinson took a plea deal before her appearance in court. She agreed to a plea deal after getting arrested and was sentenced to 30 years in prison. If Wright serves out her full sentence, she will be released on June 8, 2046 at the age of 75. Every Friday, 20/20 sheds light on a new piece of evidence in true crime, and on June 17, the ABC investigators dig into the murder of former NBA Cavaliers player Lorenzen Wright. Be the first one to comment on this story. Apr 15, 2021 Updated Feb 9, 2023. In February 2010, the divorce was granted and Sherra demanded $26K for the support of their children. Today, Robinson is in prison, and she rapidly spent a life insurance policy intended to care for Wright's kids. She was $3.0 million in debt at the time but was ruled out to have killed her ex-husband for money, since he was . MEMPHIS, TN (WMC) - While Memphian Sherra Wright Robinson sat in a California jail Monday, charged with her ex-husband's murder, WMC Action News 5's Kontji Anthony dove through the pages of Sherra's 230-page book "Mr. Tell Me Anything.". She was sentenced to 30 years in prison. Sherra Wright guided the silver Cadillac SUV through the darkness on a mild night, seven years after search and rescue dogs found her ex-husband's body in a Memphis field.

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