scup national conference 2022

Exploring planning and engagement activities for both a campus master plan and a purpose-planned classroom building, this session will share strategies for equitable classroom planning to accommodate a hybrid learning future. Collaborate with colleagues, students, and community partners to advance your initiatives and institutional goals. Consider the potential for campuses to serve as resilience centers and resilience hubs for neighboring communities. Well also share findings from our Education Engagement Index, a national survey that measures pandemic impacts on student and faculty engagement and their visions for the future of learning. 11/10/2021 Podcast Episode 3: Research on RA Recruitment. Explain how to map the three areas of planning onto the three horizons construct. Jul 20, 2020. The 2011 National Architecture Firm Award Winner, BNIM is an innovative leader in designing high performance environments. Open to all new members, first-time attendees, SCUP Emerging Leaders, and the membership committee. As of April 1, The California Department of Public Health has lifted the requirement for attendees of Mega Events (over 1,000 people) to show proof of vaccination or negative PCR Covid testing prior to entry to that event. AICP CM 1.0 Unit, Planning Types: Campus Planning; Information Technology Planning Video recording by participants and other attendees during any portion of the workshop or conference is not allowed without special prior written permission of SCUP. When you use the SCUP Integrated Planning model, you will get an accurate picture of your external environment, ask hard but necessary questions, and build actionable plans. 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Youll meet leaders who are early in their career and seasoned and from all across the campus: academic planning, budget and resource planning, facilities planning, strategic planning, and more! The murder of George Floyd signaled to organizations that equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging (EDIB) could no longer only exist in silos. Discuss climate change as an opportunity to activate town and gown relationships to be productive partnerships towards equitable community resilience. Facilitated by: James Downey, Senior Strategy Consultant | Randy Simon, Director of Facilities Planning and Operations, Emory University. Bring planning together. Planning Types: Campus Planning The pandemic has opened new avenues for rethinking higher education delivery. Create vision alignment through an effective engagement process that involves the facilitys users and focuses on the strategic big picture. Offering perspectives from design, operations, and research teams, this session will holistically explore student wellbeing in the context of a new residential campus during the pandemic. We are so excited to welcome everyone back to an in-person annual conference this coming July! Denton, TX 76204. Youll learn about the intent and outcomes of the projects comprehensive and inclusive planning and design process, which resulted in an educational facility that is an integral part of the learning experience and student success. AICP CM 15.0 units, Challenges: Change Management; Competing Priorities; Planning Identify outdated or undefined processes within your department. City: Cleveland, OH . CNU30.Oklahoma City | Resilient Together The story of Oklahoma City is one of self determination, of overcoming obstacles, and of investing together - again and again. Explain the cultural significance and implications of having a historic district within a university campus setting. Available to registrants and SCUP members only. List concrete steps you can take to start a think tank at your institution. This tour will explore how the project came about, the process behind re-purposing the building, and how the project vision matched up to the reality. Join us for a discussion of innovative data collection methods and case studies with actionable steps for conducting space utilization studies to optimize your future campus spaces. Explain how to apply this design process to leverage cost and time savings. Forecasting higher educations long-term future, Integrating DEI values, principles, and goals into day-to-day work across the institution, Assessing and correcting structural racism at your institution, Designing equitable planning practices and processes, Integrated planning techniques and best practices, Planning during uncertainty and rapid change, Linking the academic plan with strategic enrollment management, Leading culture or organizational changequickly, Preparing your college or university for an uncertain future, Creating space for community, both physically and remotely. Space utilization and streamlining of administrative services are high priorities for campus leadership. AICP CM 2.5 Unit, Planning Types: Campus Planning A new page will loadclick the Download Slides link. Apply new modes and methods of resource storage, access, and retrieval for library materials and archives. 14. With the SCUP Integrated Planning Model, you develop the skills to lead your institution in an integrated strategic plan process that leads to putting that plan into action. Incorporate language associated with diversity, equity, and inclusion in your planning and design process to foster belonging and wellbeing for your campus community. Additional details will be sent to registrants. Tags: Accessibility; Engaging Stakeholders; Facilities Planning; Health and Wellness, Presented by: Ruth Baleiko, Partner, The Miller Hull Partnership, LLP | Elizabeth Moggio, Architect, Principal, The Miller Hull Partnership, LLP | Jeannie Natta, Interim Director, Project Delivery Group, UW Facilities, University of Washington. Assess your own institutional context with the three horizons model. AICP CM 1.0 Unit, Planning Types: Campus Planning Create a structure for consistently capturing planning processes and regularly reviewing processes for changes and updates. Presented by: Jamienne S. Studley, President, WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) | Lynn Akey (Moderator), Vice President for Student Success, Analytics and Integrated Planning, Minnesota State University-Mankato. This session will explore Michigan State Universitys (MSU) STEM Teaching and Learning Facility, its first new instructional building in nearly 50 years. Identify opportunities to apply new innovations on your own campus. July 30August 1, 2023. DATES: This rule is effective January 1, 2022. A framework that helps you develop more effective planning processes. About; Contact; Close Search *NEW* SORP is now offering Organizational and University memberships. Discuss the roots of Brutalism in post-WWII optimism, the reasons for its fall from grace, and how institutions can sustainably extend the useful life of Brutalist campus buildings. Identify entrepreneurial activities happening on your campus and brainstorm strategic opportunities. Present at SCUP 2022! Colleges and universities must ensure that students of diverse backgrounds feel safe and welcome on campus in order to successfully educate and train our next generation of leaders. The AAPC National Conference (HEALTHCON 2023) will be held in Nashville on 21-24 May 2023. The indigenization of higher education can create better outcomes for indigenous peoples through indigenous ways of learning and culturally appropriate support while also fostering cross-cultural learning for the broader student body. Tags: Engaging Stakeholders; Entrepreneurship; Innovation; New Program or Department; Organizational Culture, Presented by: Adem Gusa, Director of Planning & Design, Duke University | Paul Leef, Studio Leader, Campus Strategy & Analytics, SmithGroup | Alexandria Roe, Senior Associate Vice President, Capital Planning and Budget, University of Wisconsin System Administration | Bartlomiej Sapeta, Assistant Vice President, Chapman University. Identify key insights into engaging faculty in college-wide planning efforts. Identify potential campus-scale barriers and opportunities for implementing equity-based resilience and decarbonization planning processes. Analyze adverse student backgrounds to highlight and recognize their potential talents and strengths. Describe the pandemic experience of various institutional technology stakeholders and how their response to disruption may inform or mislead progress. Identify opportunities to free up space on your main campus by exploring planning on the frontiers of your campus. Visit the Barista in the Stantec booth for your favorite java (8:00 am Noon). If youre new to SCUP, use this as a launching pad to build relationships with leaders all across the campus and the country. Who We Are; Membership Options; Emerging Leaders Program; . LAPD Headquarters- Aecoms 1-acre site with security setbacks and pedestrian-friendly design. Champion a vision for the future that delivers on your institutional mission while simultaneously navigating stakeholder voices, business challenges, community relations, and evolving academic goals. Discuss how physical space can contribute to belonging from the perspective of students. Tags: Carbon Neutral; Energy Infrastructure; Engaging Stakeholders; Facilities Planning; Planning Processes; Resiliency; Sustainability (Environmental); Zero Net Energy (ZNE), Presented by: Arlene Rodriguez, Interim Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, Middlesex Community College-Massachusetts | Phil Sisson, President, Middlesex Community College-Massachusetts. SCUP's 53rd Annual International Conference (SCUP-53) - Society of College and University Planning. Furthermore, he will offer observations about the 2022 elections and what the consequences might be for higher education institutions and students. With a fundamental understanding of carbon reduction, youll be able to evaluate it across building lifecycles and use visual tools to communicate evidence-based data and encourage collaborative decision making. Addressing future challenges requires deep thinking and buy-in from across institutional constituencies. Keynote /General Session(s) Speakers Corner; Exhibit. These memberships provide excellent value for multiple people in your organization or university to access SORP training and professional development and discounts on fee-based events such as conferences and . It can be used to solve departmental issues or reach an institution-wide goal. Join us for real world lessons learned and innovative solutions for accelerating resilience and carbon action planning on your campus, incorporating new climate change research and experiences from recent climate events. Continuing Education Credits Discuss how to apply the integrated triad framework to your own institutional context. AIA LU/HSW 1.0 Unit (SCUP57C1769) . Fueled by the crisis of the pandemic, higher education institutions are reconsidering the value of space dedicated to offices across campus. In the wake of the pandemic-accelerated transition to virtual and hybrid learning, its time to take a step back and examine the applicability of various learning and engagement models. As the Mid-Atlantic region's first in-person, post-pandemic conference, we've specifically designed this event around an enjoyable on-campus experience. Review best practices that are curated by contemporary themes, eg., esports, active learning, HyFlex and hybrid space, etc. Respect the unique ecological and human heritage of your campus and evaluate open space as an asset to meet institutional goals and campus community needs. Explain how your institution can differentiate itself and increase wellbeing through better walkability, enhanced visual appeal of outdoor spaces, and a robust integration of campus land use. Draw on your broader institutional DEI program to design and promote procurement reforms. Tags: Facilities Design; Facilities Planning; Fine and Performing Arts Facility; Multi-Use; Museum Facility; Urban Design. This new normal requires a laser focus on culture, purpose, trust, and psychological safety as we embark on the largest social experiment in human history. Consider new locations, co-locations, and building adjacencies within your campus master plan to better support and utilize future academic library services. ADDRESSES: A Supplemental Information Report (SIR) was prepared for the 2022-2023 summer flounder, scup, and black sea bass specifications. We will contact you if space becomes available. AICP CM 1.0 Unit, Presented by: Cindy Bair Van Dam, Faclty Chair, AU Core Curriculum, American University | Brad Knight, Director, AU Core and University College, American University. Discuss how organizational and digital transformation can improve decision making, customer service, and implementation speed. Access available session recordings and slides on the program page. Discover ways in which campus projects can articulate an institutions mission. National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) . We want your proposal for a session at our in-person 2022 conference in Long Beach, CA! GCC leveraged the 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) to engage every team and department across the college, developing a more holistic, inclusive approach to strategic planning. For the past two years, a live-learn lab has been investigating the impact that an integrated living and learning neighborhood has had on student wellbeing, social connection, and environmental health. Identify university partners to engage in pre-planning and early design and show them the impact of existing policies and procedures as they relate to WELL. Make the case for investing in programs, services, and facilities that help address stress-related illnesses and mental health conditions. Describe a communication plan that increases brand awareness and advocacy for your institution. Campus master plans must integrate resilience strategies to mitigate risk and facilitate adaptation as climate change threats and stressors become increasingly critical. Come learn how a WELL-certified project on your campus can aid in the recruitment and retention of faculty and students as well as improve the overall performance and happiness of building users. Conference North Central 2023 Regional Conference October 16, 2023 - October 18, 2023 St. Louis, MO REFINE BY: Region.

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