humblewood subclasses

But now, fires and bandits have embroiled the Woods in chaos. This feature also feels a bit redundant; as you can always ask to use an alternative ability score for a skill check if you can justify it. Kindled corvums have a way with words,and are accomplished at saying what someone wants orneeds to hear. Ability Score Increase. The backs of hedges are covered withspiny quills, which makes it impossible for hedges to weararmor. I do like the idea of it overall and I think it could be fun to play once you have clarification from the DM about using insults etc. food created in this way takes an action, providing whomever eats it with healing equal to 2d4 + your cleric level, and can Clerics of such gods value unity, and praise the strength remove either the frightened or poisoned condition from thatthat can be gained when people support each other. You have proficiency in the Intimida-tion skill. You may choose one Travelers Trick that you know and desig- nate it as your favorite trick. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Some are the space you finish your movement. An attacker that cant be blinded is Ward of Shadows immune to this feature.2nd Channel Divinity: Invocation of Night You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once), and regain all6th Improved Ward, expended uses when you finish a long rest. Mapachs are hearty and crafty, and possess a climbing speed, Gallus characters with ostentatious, colorful plumage are which means many members of this family, including polecats,generally better suited to the bright gallus subrace, while those would be good fits.with modest, earth-toned feathers might be better suited to thehuden gallus subrace. They also favor chaotic alignments, as strigs are a free-dom-loving people who will usually put their personal moralsabove any imposed system of governance. The biggest stumbling block for new speakers is learning when to use which form.34 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodChapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 35New Class Options pick your path Here you will find a selection of options you can use to Bonus Proficienciesfurther customize your Bard, Cleric, or Fighter. Even today, the While Alderheart has been a beacon of peace and harmony birdfolk who choose to live on the forest floor find themselvesfor many years, the coming of the fires has thrown the region stigmatized, as a life in the canopy is considered proper in bird-into chaos. Great seen fight. If you would fall at least 10 feet in this way, you may fly up to your movement speed in one direction you choose, The gallus are a varied folk, resembling as many different although you cannot choose to move upwards, landing invarieties of wildfowl as there are trees in the Wood. while climbing. At 14th level, you have learned how to make your ward even more resilient. It is also worth noting that regardless of class, Hedges gain druidic abilities, automatically have access to the druicraft cantrip and learn the Animal Messenger spell at level two. ll You do not fall prone after taking falling damage. Mapach Mapachs MapachFor larger, more intimidating strigs, the great gray owl orgiant scops owl can provide a robust presence, while smaller Vulpin Vulpins Vulpinstrigs could take inspiration from the little owl, or borealowl. They are crafty, hearty, and tough, but their true strengthlies in the potential they see when looking at the world around Ability Score Increase. placed in comparison to humans in other campaign settings, size categories can be adjusted accordingly.Height and Weight This is entirely a matter of taste. Through it all, though, the although now in more diverse communities alongside somebirdfolk trust in solidarity, between themselves and the diverse ground-dwelling birdfolk. I've only read through it but I was underwhelmed. Follow Flit along his journey to deliver an important missive to the Birdfolk Council of Alderheart. Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters, REPORT: Avatar: The Last Airbender Gaang Film Is Set Over a Decade After the Show, Why How I Met Your Mother's Alternate Ending Is So Much Better, Neil Gaiman Proposes a Suitably Chaotic Way to Cast The Sandman's Delirium. Only you can restore balance to the Wood.8 Introduction1 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 91 Welcome to the Wood the story beginsRaces of the Wood all walks of lifeT he various folk who make up the world of Humble- myths. Play as one of the five core birdfolk races: The humblefolk live in small villages throughout the Wood, but are occasionally found in birdfolk cities. Have you looked at the rest of the features yet Haravikk? Choose one of these subraces.Grove Cervan As a grove cervan, you are swift and agile, able to quicklymaneuver out of harms way. * A venerable wizard shared secrets of maintain concentration on it, up to 10 minutes.evocation magic with you. When a chick is born with special markings or uniqued6 Ideal feather patterns, or when they survive a dramatic childhood event, some folks brand them Wind-Touched. You may additionally remove a single diseaseof you and able to see and hear you to benefit affecting the target of this ability.from this trick. You grant yourself and a number of allies, up to your Wisdom 2nd Channel Divinity: Magnificent Feast modifier (minimum of 1), a boon from your deity. You can seewrong ones, deadly enemies. You learned from a hardened barbarianan action to make a Strength (Athletics) check against your that sometimes you have to charge into combat with no regardTravelers Trick save DC. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. We can help people, we can be heroes, and we have magic. A few vulpins have attempted to change public opinion,but the majority are unconcerned with their notoriety. The crea-different skills. Your truesight only functionsThe motives of night gods are often shrouded in mystery. The Tenders, an organization of druids and mystics, dedicate themselves to healing the Scorched Grove with natural magics. I wont tolerate anyone who insults me or5 my friends. Preview (PDF) Freebies New in Stock . is key to survival, and the Mapach language emphasizes this. On aAdd the number you roll on your Bardic Inspiration die + your failure, the creature dealing damage takes an amount of radiantWisdom modifier (minimum of 1) to the damage dealt by damage equal to your Bardic Inspiration die.the spell. The target that you know.must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be stunneduntil the end of your next turn. An ally must be within 60 feet gency triage. 6 I am burdened with responsibility, and find it hard to make even the simplest decisions.8 I remain humble despite my blessing.d6 Ideal Coupled with Power While this background primarily focuses on the beliefs1 Responsibility. Age. Sera Luma As a sera luma, you are revered and celebrated by those around you. They livecontain the odd family of jerbeen, or a few lone hedges. them particularly vulnerable.BANDIT DEFECTOR Hustlers are inveterate con-artists. You can also understand Auran, though youcannot speak it naturally. Keen observers, you can determine any magical properties the item has, howthey trade in information the way others trade goods. Bykind of great bureaucracy, but as sacred traditions passed from spending 10 minutes, you may create a number of delicious,generation to generation. 1 I never back down from a challenge. It often happens that while traveling, a bard ture may choose whether or not to add the Bardic Inspirationwinds up sharing their campfire with a motley assortment of die to this roll.wandering adventurers who may impart valuable lessons inexchange for a lively song or a well-told tale. Some respond to the dangersoutside their community by becoming insular and fearing allnon-jerbeens. A lot of its abilities are more flavorful and it requires a fair bit of bonus action investment, I believe, which limits how hard it can hit. In addition to adding new subclasses forthe Bard, Cleric, and Fighter classes as well as some new spells,Humblewood notably includes ten new playable races! you could target. The ally can roll a d4 and add the number such that you can speak with the greenery of the forest itself.rolled to their next ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. Not all denizens of Humblewood are birdfolk. These isolated communities were vulnerable to an organization of brigands and marauders who called themselves the Bandit Coalition. To protect themselves from the Coalition, the bird- folk built fortified cities in the forests canopy. Your Strength score increases by 1. These quills provide exceptional protection, there-fore you have a base armor class of 14 + your Dexteritymodifier. Central meeting24 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodNatural Burrowers. The College of the Road of your choice (see Travelers Trick Options).is sometimes a harsh teacher, but bards who follow this pathoften find themselves rewarded with a diverse array of useful These Travelers Tricks represent skills, techniques, andtricks and tactics. (Stealth) checks when you attempt to hide in a forest.Woodland Survivors Languages. Standing Leap. Enhance your Humblewood experience with our official minis! Your base walking speed is 30 feet.portents of doom, and other times visions of a far Practical. This ability has numerous useful applications and it can be used to solve puzzles and pinpoint the price of treasure. Lifters are the specialist thieves of an operation. A community for discussing the Humblewood campaign for Dungeons and Dragons 5e. A fighter who hits hard and fights dirty, the Scofflaw balksat the ideals of honor and tradition, doing what they need tosurvive. tion from you, so long as you are on the same plane. If no other creatures are present within 5 feet of them, they waste their reaction attacking the air where you once were. Birds with brighterkinds, ranging from those with small rounded bodies, suited or more decorative plumage would correspond to sera lumas,to ground life, to those with longer proportions. Although they are not carrying heavy weapons or wielding a shield (though you maynecessarily prejudiced against those who are weaker, strigs are drop any held items as part of your reaction to spread yourquick to call out when someone is not doing their best for the arms). Your size is Small.dwarfed by nearly every kind of creature they encounter. race could take inspiration. Raptors reach maturity around 20 years. One of the least understood and most often empathizing with others means they are only rarely goodvilified humblefolk in the Wood, vulpins have earned a bad aligned. Ability Score Increase. If you or any friendly creatures you make camp with would regain hitCommunity Domain points at the end of a short rest by spending one or more hit dice, each of those creatures may choose to re-roll one of their The community domain focuses on the ties that bind all resting dice, taking the higher roll between the two.people together. Pairing their naturalunusual. These examples are in keeping with the flavor and mechanics of that race. Due to this inherent advantage, along with their speedand power, strigs make excellent hunters and rangers. Youcan use your unarmed strike to gore opponents, dealing1d6 + your Strength Modifier piercing damage on a hit. The power ofthe Gods of community is in the security of home and hearth, Channel Divinity: Magnificent Feastand the joy of good company. Other lumas find it difficult to exist in the larger society Touched. Despiteregional differences and cultural peculiarities among the differ- The birdfolk have established themselves as a politicalent kinds of birdfolk in the Wood, the birdfolk races neverthe- force to be reckoned with in Humblewood. Animals connect us to nature and are a conduit for powerful storytelling. during combat (as there aren't existing rules so being able to use a different ability score doesn't mean a lot without asking the DM). social situations. The guardian spirit will damage equal to your Bardic Inspiration die.remain for as long as you concentrate on it, up to 10 minutes. in the basics of combat triage. (2d4) lb.32 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodCervan Hedge Cervan characters could be imagined as elk, moose, or While inspired by hedgehogs, having a hedge characterantelopes. Yet, where the treaty holds, vibrantThis accord was known as the Humblefolk Treaty and was humblefolk communities can still be found. Danger lurks in Humblewood and there are those who are set to prevent this message from reaching those who need it most. and high charisma means that small songbirds such as chicka- dees, wrens, sparrows, and cardinals would also be a good fit.Gallus A bird-of-paradise could be used as well due to their focus on performance, though they might be better suited for visitors to Gallus characters are usually represented by land fowl of all Humblewood from more tropical regions. This can help to ensure that the most integral rolls of a session are a success! Humblewood is a 5E compatible setting of adorable birdfolk and forest critters, successfully kickstarted in 2019 by folks over at The Deck of Many Things. * You made a shady bargain with a haggard quality, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration towarlock. Intimidating BanterCreature of the Night At 3rd level, you are adept at integrating insults and barbs into your fighting style. Corvum notably gain the unique Appraising Eye ability that can be used once per long rest. Number 6 - The Circle of the Land. As the language of trade and custom, folk of the Wood Mapach uses its own script of glyphs made of various lines, take the time to learn it. I made the ones in the campaign book available, but not the Tender ones. zillow seal beach They areusually as adept at pick-pocketing as they are at sneaking up 6 You mess with my friends, you mess with me.behind a cart to liberate its valuables. Any additional dice added to the attacks damageFIGHTER roll are not affected by this ability.Martial Archetype At 10th level, the improvised weapons you wield become even more lethal in your hands. 6 I feel nothing for this title, and carry it against my will. The right ambush prey as a 2nd level spell with this trait, and regain thelook from a vulpin can bewitch or terrify, and vulpins who are ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Nonetheless, corvums see the benefit of rules, even ifmany attempt to turn them to their own advantage. When tragedy leaves it naturally.children in their village orphaned, it is customary for gallusfamilies to take them in. This ensures that everyone knows what their Suggested Characteristicsjob is and lessens confusion in the heat of a robbery. Using your feathered arms, you can slow youra raptor. This, combined with their Age. Gaining +2 intelligence, Corvum gain proficiency in a player's choice ofArcana, History, Nature, or Religion. Has anyone played at a table with one of the new tender subclasses or feats? You may spend 10 minutes to craft thesepeoples. They are as often shunned for their world. They value their Glide. (1d4) lb.Jerbeen 2'4" +2d4 20 lb. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it Strig culture is largely based on principles of strength were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Ive got a player who took the bard College of the Road subclass and so far I think its pretty well balanced if not a little OP, but nothing game breaking. #1. At 1st level, you can create a ward of divine shadows toNight Domain Features conceal yourself from an attacking enemy. 3 I blindly trust in the power of my blessing.5 I seek out challenges to test myself. (1d4) lb.Gallus 3'4" +3d10 55 lb.

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