Creating an account helps us better understand your needs and the needs of the community. Based on the final adopted Master Plan which is informed by Stage 2 engagement. Campsies town centre is slated for a facelift. For more information, visit: The following Terms and Conditions govern the use of Have Your Say Canterbury Bankstown. Council has appointed an Source: NSW Spatial Services NSW Administrative Boundaries Theme Local Government Area. This may include quotes from participants in forums, surveys and other consultation tools. regulated by the Information Protection Principles under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. strathfield council zoning map strathfield council zoning map Home Realizacje i porady Bez kategorii strathfield council zoning map. Will the growth in the centre be supported by infrastructure? Community Engagement Policy and Framework, Our Diverse City ToolkitOur Diverse City Toolkit. suburb. We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land - Darug and Eora People - and pay our respects to Elders past and present. The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has not issued delegation for Council to make the LEP, it will ultimately make the plan. regulated by the Information Protection Principles under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. finalised. Draft Master Plan was developed by Councils multidisciplinary team of experts, with input from technical consultants and ongoing community engagement. The Gateway Process refers to assessment of the Planning Proposal by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. The master plan provides the opportunity to co-locate genuine job-generating development with housing, services, utilities and social infrastructure to support a growing community in Campsie. %PDF-1.6 % Council currently permits multi dwelling housing (also known as villas) in the low density residential areas (zoned R2 land) in the former Bankstown Local Government Area, subject to development consent. Please enter a search term below and we will do our best to help you find the information you are after. ASFOUR RESOLVED that Council 1. Canterbury was announced as a Planned Precinct by the NSW Government as part of a housing affordability package on 1 June 2017. Latitude -33.9240218 Longitude 151.065722768527. Olympic hopeful helps seniors shoot for the stars, CBCity adopts new Disability Inclusion Action Plan, Roll into new and improved skatepark at Roberts Park, Bankstown reaches new heights with one of Sydney's largest mobile cranes, Explore the hidden stories of Bankstown at the Biennale: SubTerrains, CBCity awards more than $400k to local organisations in need of financial support, Family day care crisis as centres are increasingly desperate for educators, Canterbury-Bankstown Kids Speak Out at the Childrens Summit, CBCity wins Keep Australia Beautiful Sustainable Cities award for recycled glass in road base, Join the Tug O War Cup & say NO to domestic violence, A CBCity Christmas Carol with Mahalia Barnes, Children and Youth awards: honouring our local heroes. The most recent version of the Terms can be seen on this page. Independent Town Planner and Independent Urban Designer to review submissions Campbelltown City is located in Sydney's south-western suburbs, between 30 and 55 kilometres from the Sydney CBD. Planning Proposal-Canterbury Bankstown Consolidated LEP (Amendment 1) Page | 10 December 2020 Maps Maps Proposed Amendments Land Zoning Map [1] Amend the Land Zoning Map in accordance with the proposed zoning map as shown at Attachment 1, which proposes to rezone the following properties from Zone B5 Business Development to Zone B6 A planner will be available to talk about the Master Plan at Campsie Library from 9.30am to 4.30pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday until 28 March. identifiable as being about you. 001 002 003 004 005 006 ee t t reet an g c r esc ent ng u s es c e nt carysf i eld r oad b a get nue ta ny pl ce r xo n et uni ver sal ue nalo ue w h ite m ore a enue . We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time without notice. It guides and covers things like building heights, design, land use zones, new open space and protecting heritage protections. Get it delivered to your inbox. Linked sites, affiliated services or third party content or software have their own Terms that you must comply with. If we plan for Business as Usual, traffic congestion will increase in our centres. By making a submission you agree to this privacy policy. Map Theme: Land Parcels (Default) Acid Sulfate Soils. {{item.event_description | truncate(truncateLimit,'')}}, {{item.event_start_date | formatDateDay}}, {{item.event_start_date | formatDateMonth}}, {{item.event_start_date | formatDateFull}}, - {{item.event_end_date | formatDateFull}}. We collect personal information provided by you when you register to use this site. This may include quotes from participants in forums, surveys and other consultation tools. CBCity acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land, the Darug and the Eora peoples. The Planning Proposal together with the master plan are to be reported to Council for submission to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for a Gateway Determination*, seeking approval for public exhibition. and Environment. All intellectual property in the content of this site including without limitation to text, software, source code, pages, documents and online graphics, photographs, sounds, audio, video and other interactive features are owned by or licensed to us. PPA City of Canterbury - Bankstown Council NAME Canterbury . The draft master plan is focused on making the centre more attractive for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport and allow residents, workers and student to be less reliant on cars. Search. The questions are optional. Canterbury-bankstown The maps are supplied by the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) - any enquiries about the content with in the maps should be directed to the department. Suburbs within an Local Government Area (LGA) Excel Spreadsheet. Alternatively, you can order printed maps from us. If we plan for these things now, with good urban design principles and a clear strategy for growth we can make sure that Campsie continues to be a place with the right balance of community, business, growth and culture. Personal information is information we hold which is 350 983. Following engagement, all submissions and comments will be reviewed to help further refine the plan. this privacy policy to explain how personal information collected on this New buildings in the Campsie centre will be required to meet a range of sustainability initiatives. 0000939389 00000 n 0000006669 00000 n The SA4 of Moreton Bay - South is located in South-East Queensland, north of Brisbane. Local Development Performance Monitoring (LDPM), Bankstown Local Environmental Plan 2015 (Amendment No 3), Bankstown Local Environmental Plan 2015 (Amendment No 8), Bankstown Local Environmental Plan 2015 (Amendment No 4), Bankstown Local Environmental Plan 2015 (Amendment No 13), Bankstown Local Environmental Plan 2015 (Amendment No 2), Bankstown Local Environmental Plan 2015 (Amendment No 1), Bankstown Local Environmental Plan 2015 (Amendment No 7), Bankstown Local Environmental Plan 2015 (Amendment No 11). Your contribution to the site may be edited, removed or not published if we consider it inappropriate (refer to Moderation Policy). In answers to questions on notice following a parliamentary hearing in March, Planning Minister Rob Stokes office said Mr Maguire wrote to his predecessor Anthony Roberts requesting staff meet with J Groups planning consultant Matt Daniel regarding the Beamish Street proposal. This includes: How do we use the information we collect? A reference to an Environment Protection zone E1, E2, E3 or E4 within a Land Zoning Map should be taken to be a reference to a Conservation zone C1, C2, C3 or C4. Council is seeking further feedback on the Revised Draft Campsie Master Plan. These Terms shall be governed in accordance with the laws of NSW, Australia, without regards to its conflict of law provisions. Direction 7 of the draft Campsie Master Plan,,, Information and Privacy Commission website, If you do not agree to the revised terms, please discontinue using our site. %%EOF 0 Council is also undertaking targeted engagement with Failure to provide accurate information violates the Terms, which may result in immediate termination of your account on our service. The draft Campsie Town Centre Master Plan plans for 5,600 additional homes in the Campsie Town Centre alongside approximately 750 dwellings along Canterbury Road. Available in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Korean, Greek, Nepali, Tagalog and Vietnamese. This includes: responses to surveys, comments on discussion forums, and other engagement opportunities. The City of Canterbury Bankstown owns and retains all proprietary rights in the intellectual property. If you want to terminate your own account, please send an email to <<443FC3077CA4DA46BE6D14DCF1783A85>]/Prev 1076304>> 0000001252 00000 n As the world around us changes, so will Campsie. by landowners/applicants and recommend a way forward for these sites. Master plans have an important role in determining the look, feel and function of the urban environment. For details of how Harvest may access personal information, please refer to Harvests Privacy Policy. We will send you instructions to reset your password. The purpose of the register Review of submissions and consideration by Council. These new homes will be supported with good transport services, community facilities, open space and infrastructure. Last year the Independent Commission Against Corruption heard Mr Alha had visited Parliament carrying models of his proposed developments, and Mr Maguire had invited him to an impromptu meeting with the Premier after the pair drank wine together in his office. identifiable as being about you. The information on this website has been taken from Council's data bases and maps. (2) The particular aims of this Plan are as follows. For further information about our privacy policy and related information practices, or to access or correct your personal information, or make a complaint, please contact us on A 2020 J Group application to raise building heights up to 25 storeys in order to build two apartment towers was rejected as the Campsie masterplan was being prepared. District Council Planning Zones in Canterbury. The draft master plan seeks to grow the number of jobs in the centre from 4,800 roles to 7,500 by 2036. Following exhibition, all submissions will be reviewed, and the Planning Proposal will be considered by Council to determine whether it will proceed for finalisation. 66, Rickard Road, Bankstown. If you wish to be contacted prior to the release of your submission, please indicate whether the submission is made in confidence. A Canterbury-Bankstown Council spokesperson said the organisation planned on merit and for the benefit and betterment of our community. We support Inner West and Canterbury Bankstown Councils to review their Local Environmental Plans, including development of their Local Strategic Planning Statements A high-level, principle-based planning strategy developed in collaboration with Councils and the community for the Sydenham to Bankstown corridor %%EOF We provide your data to our analytic providers for analysis. Some features of this website may not work correctly. This calculator estimates the contributions which may be required for development under the Canterbury Bankstown Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022. Council. was prepared in response to the advice received by the Canterbury Bankstown . If you are under 18 years old, please ensure that your parent or guardian understands and accepts these Terms and Conditions (including the Privacy Policy and Moderation Policy). By post to Mr Matthew Stewart, General Manager, City of Canterbury Bankstown PO Box 8, Bankstown NSW 1885. To withdraw your consent to our processing of their personal data. To get a better experience we strongly recommend you download a new browser for free: Would you like to follow this project to receive email updates? Clause Development controls that currently apply to multi dwelling housing within Zone R2 Low Density Residential under Bankstown Local Unleashed parks: have your say, Delays in Hector Street Bridge replacement, Power to the people Mayor's call for action, A tribute to late sister city Mayor Lilliane Brady, State approves construction of WSU's new Bankstown Campus, CBCity's Youth Week bigger and better than ever, Join Bert in Honouring Local ANZAC Heroes, New fitness program to nurture healthy minds and bodies, CBCity to provide more support for youth mental health, Thoughtless vandals tarnish weekend soccer, Art sculpts connection during Reconciliation Week, Polluter cops a triple whammy! 0001067459 00000 n A Gateway Determination is issued when the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment decide that a planning proposal can process to the next stage of the plan making process. The draft master plan provides a proactive approach to planning, helping to prevent ad-hoc development. The City of Canterbury Bankstown, its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, licensors and other partners are not responsible for any loss, liability, claim, or demand, including legal fees, made by any third party due to or arising from a breach of this agreement and/or any breach of your representations and warranties set forth above. 5 Campsie and Bankstown Town Centre Masterplans| Shelter NSW submission, May 2021 com. . An artists impression of Canterbury-Bankstown Councils new vision for Campsie. 2.2 Zoning of land to which Plan applies 2.3 Zone objectives and Land Use Table 2.4 Unzoned land 2.5 Additional permitted uses for particular land 2.6 Subdivisionconsent requirements 2.7 Demolition requires development consent 2.8 Temporary use of land Land Use Table Note Zone R2 Low Density Residential Zone R3 Medium Density Residential A master plan is a long-term plan that provides a road map to guide future growth and change in our centres over the coming decades. The masterplan is proposing a major facelift for the suburb and the business precinct surrounding the station, greener building standards, a phase-out of gas and unlocking access to Cooks River in an effort to increase open space. 0000000956 00000 n We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land, and pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today.
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