Here's what's in it. LOVE, POVERTY, WAR AND Also by Christopher Hitchens BLOOD, CLASS AND EMPIRE: The Enduring Anglo-American Relationship A LONG SHORT WAR: The Postponed Liberation of Iraq WHY ORWELL MATTERS LEFT HOOKS, RIGHT CROSSES: A Decade of Political Writing (edited with Christopher Caldwell) LETTERS TO A YOUNG CONTRARIAN THE TRIAL OF HENRY KISSINGER BLAMING THE VICTIMS: Spurious Scholarship and the . STAND ALONE NARRATIVE. Of the remaining candidates, Jennifer Virden has some credible housing ideas, but is Republican enough that she stands too close to the treason and racist violence and is thus disqualified. If you need help casting your ballot you are permitted to bring someone with you, including a translator. The two most challenging races for us to deliberate this cycle were probably the two commissioner contests. ACC Prop A: FOR. "I haven't used these in years," she exclaimed, rotating the squeaking take care of of the 1998 Ford Ranger and chuckling because the window scudded open. I married a man who has four kids with his ex, they never married ( the initial plan was to get married, but the elder bro. If you're still on the fence about the upcoming presidential race, I've made a few recommendations for you. You'll need to show ID if you go in person. Matt Worthington, Cody Arn, and Cynthia Valadez-Mata are also strong choices in this race. ), What the $350 million housing bond entails, Get caught up on the big issues facing Austin and its neighbors, Applications to be on the ballot are open, Updated: While feds investigate border initiative, he goes all in. SD24: Kathy Jones-Hospod Eric Goodman's Austin FC column, other soccer news, All questions answered (satisfaction not guaranteed). Now more than ever, we need your support to continue supplying Austin with independent, free press. When is the election? We can help. Travis Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2: Randall Slagle, Williamson County Judge: Blane Conklin Jay Kleberg does, and he has that love, and has shown it to Texans as a conservationist and environmentalist for a long time (offsetting the right-wing tilt of his prominent family, owners of the King Ranch), and has the sustainability to put up a credible challenge in November. Incumbent Geronimo Rodriguez, a highly regarded community leader who has spent most of his tenure as board president, understands AISD's mechanisms as only a hardworking insider can. Even though they're judges, the JPs in Travis County are more like specialized hyperlocal problem-solvers, being the courts of first instance for both truancy cases and evictions. We might end up endorsing GOP incumbent Glenn Hegar in November, since he's the only competent statewide elected official. 2: Brigid Lester All information on this webpage is specific to the January 2022 City of Austin Special Election and the Campaign Finance Filing Requirements. Visit to see winners. Here's what you need to know. Proposition B $275 million for a high school that would be expected to open in 2026. We also took notice when Guerrero told us shes not Tovos clone and about her pretty good ideas for soft density that she thinks are common sense, but which some D9 homeowners clearly dont like. Information is power. So that's good, and she's right that DWI is an area that hasn't yet been impacted that much by justice reform. Sunday, January 30, 2022 Last Day to Register to Vote in Primary Election. It's a shame that common-sense solutions to longstanding problems have been deferred to exactly when land and labor are most expensive, but students in Austin's aging and economically fragile outer-ring neighborhoods really will need these things. Leffler grew up working-class in Central Austin neighborhoods of the kind that now make D9 living so desirably out of reach; he has worked within the city bureaucracy and in a Council office; and he offers a compelling vision on how to ease Austin's housing crisis. Travis County has extended voting hours at five polling centers on the Saturday and final day of early voting. Early voting:Here's what you need to cast your ballot in Central Texas. We think Velsquez has more of the kind of experience that will serve a council member in good stead, and more credibility with the local powers on the ground in the heart of Tejano East Austin who have genuine power in a district where so many people dont vote unless theyre specifically asked to. Click here. Where candidates running for Austin City Council District 1 stand on three big issues, Watch: Where candidates running for Austin City Council District 3 stand on three big issues, Watch: Where candidates running for Austin City Council District 5 stand on three big issues, Watch: Where candidates running for Austin City Council District 8 stand on three big issues, Watch: Where candidates running for Austin City Council District 9 stand on three big issues. Got something to say? Submit yours now at Support the Chronicle, Pro-policing GOP-aligned campaigners crash into citys fiscal reality on Election Day, Spoiler alert: Good has triumphed over evil, With early voting underway, campaigns for, against Proposition A heat up, November 2021 Statewide General Election and City of Austin Special Election, A closer look at Austin's growing number of homicides, City seeks voters OK of Lakeshore Blvd. Community Impact Newspaper has compiled a guide to the November 2022 elections in Texas with information such as candidate Q&As, sample ballots and election results. Jinny Suh, director of Immunize Texas, is also a strong choice. Hear directly from the candidates as they make their case for why they should be the next councilmembers. This guide details all propositions to provide general summaries for additional context as well as Chamber Board positions on the items. CCA, P6: Robert Johnson, State Board of Education, District 5: Rebecca Bell Metereau Pflugerville ISD has eight props on the ballot. Eric Goodman's Austin FC column, other soccer news, All questions answered (satisfaction not guaranteed). Yet she offered nuanced and pragmatic approaches to the problems the district faces now without wavering on her values: "I'm not big on compromise for this one reason: That's how we got here, [and] we haven't even moved the needle for these children.". 1: KT Musselman This is an especially important election for RRISD. The Chronicle regrets the error; more in the Oct. 28 edition of Austin at Large.. Laurie hosts the afternoon music show on KUTX from 1 to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and is the producer and voice of the Austin Music Minute, which shines the spotlight on live music shows around town six days a week. She is justly proud of being a local pioneer in climate action while many of her enviro colleagues were still focused on naturalist conservation efforts. For ongoing coverage, visit, where you can also find a streamlined, unannotated version of our endorsements. Can't keep up with happenings around town? State Board of Education, District 5: Rebecca Bell-Metereau, 3rd Court of Appeals, P4: Rosa Lopez Theofanis, Travis County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2: Randall Slagle, Hays Commissioner Pct. November 2021 General and Special Elections, Information is power. If you have not mailed your ballot by election day, we recommend that you hand-deliver it to the clerks office. You didn't need us to tell you that. Starting near the top is the marquee race of this election cycle: Republican Gov. By Amy Wenk. If youre in line by 7 p.m. on Election Day, you cannot be denied a ballot. PublishedOctober 19, 2022 at 2:15 PM CDT, If you found this reporting valuable, pleaseconsider. The Editorial Board recommends Jenny Lam, Kevine Boggess, Michelle Parker and Alida Fisher Our editorial CCSF Board of Trustees Four of the seven. Supreme Court, P5: Amanda Reichek Here on the criminal side of the docket, Livingston's counterpart and fellow courthouse titan Brenda Kennedy is also retiring, and we think Mueller the innovative Court at Law No. The Austin Chronicle only endorses in contested races. Make sure your county's elections office receives your ballot on or before Election Day. To find voting locations and sample ballots, County), County), County) County). HD136: John Bucy, 455th District Judge: Laurie Eiserloh Speaking of local legends, this is the race to succeed Dana DeBeauvoir, who may be Texas' most famous election official and thus a target of state leadership. You can find early voting locations in your area on the Vote Texas website two days before the first day of early. Hays can hopefully fix the mess Miller and the Lege have made of cannabis regulation while also picking up where the last Democrat to hold the office, Jim Hightower, left off to make the still-vital Texas ag industries more sustainable and equitable. The field is set in Austin's mayor's race and in five additional City Council races with seven candidates now officially competing to succeed Mayor Steve Adler. We wonder how much or how little Talarico will need to adapt to his new district next session and beyond. If approved, the bond would add two new campuses to South Austin and expand workforce development programs. The 2022 San Francisco District Attorney recall election was a successful special recall election to remove San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin from office. land swap proposed by Oracle, A "bad law that will actually hurt public safety overall", Ballot initiative centered on APD staffing finds friends and foes, One click gets you all the newsletters listed below, Breaking news, arts coverage, and daily events. Your Complete Guide for Voting in the Primaries- Reform Austin Elections Your Complete Guide for Voting in the Primaries By Staff - February 17, 2022 Early voting started on Feb. 14 and will continue until Friday, Feb. 25 for the March primaries in Texas. Comptroller: Janet Dudding Support the free press, so we can support Austin. Austin residents face decisions on eight propositions when they vote in the May 1 election. Eight candidates vie for Austin's most powerful YIMBYs and NIMBYs, Get your vote on in this week's "Election Ticker", Candidates talk climate, cops, and city employees, All our endorsements collected on one easy-to-print page, Austin FC advances in the MLS Cup Playoffs, and our endorsements signal the approach of the midterms, Cash, beer, and Beto rule everything around us, District 3 candidate forum keeps it quick and Celia gets a PAC, Climate change forum focuses on young voters, ACC shows what it can do with less than $50 million, Look at the first ad of the mayoral campaign and more, Leaving the state for an abortion is on the line, Things get partisan in this week's election news, Celia Israel and Kirk Watson answer urbanists, Israel lays out repro rights plan, and more, Endorsements flow in, though his proposals may leave some Austinites wanting more, The biggest news in local races this week, State Rep. Celia Israel on being herself on the mayoral trail, Duo leads in funds, reputations, and housing plans, Filling Kathie Tovo's shoes (with houses? Support the Chronicle. Texans will decide eight proposed amendments to the state Constitution on Nov. 2. 2023 ELECTION Mayoral candidates Paul Vallas, former Chicago Public Schools CEO, and Brandon Johnson, Cook County commissioner, will be facing each other in a runoff election scheduled for April 4. So we invited the run-off finishers back for a more leisurely conversation. It was a great parade for him to get in front of, and Watson's Green Machine era was the high point of Austin's 20th-century prosperity and influence. As we told readers then, it was not to shame him but to goad him to do better as the leader and defender of a big and diverse community, not a superhero who all by himself would build a political house big enough to hold the new Austin. We all will have to show Israel what to do during a brief two-year term, barely enough time to reorient City Hall, let alone go somewhere new. Day one of early voting in Travis County was quite impressive. Six candidates are running to represent the district in Southeast Austin. There is no currently active politician whose career has been more interwoven with the Chronicle's advocacy journalism than Brigid Shea, the hero of the Save Our Springs movement and a highly productive disruptor at City Hall in the 1990s. If elected, we hope Leffler will be able to listen to the diverse array of voices in D9 and not just hear them. Can't keep up with happenings around town? Subsidizing income-restricted housing at the $350 million level of this (third) bond in the last decade is just something we must do, and/but it's only about a third of what we and the new Council need to initiate. The two not only spout know-nothing MAGAnational bullshit but also have tried to get the superintendent fired and the district taken over by the state. Shes also your go-to pick if youre looking for a young millennial activist to fill the Greg Casar slot, rather than providing Chito Vela with a natural ally. Polling places will also be open on election day, June 7, for. Name: AJ Marino School: St. Charles East, senior Sport: Wrestling Why he was selected: St. Charles East senior AJ Marino, who won the final match at the Class 3A team state dual tournament Feb. 25 to vault the Saints to the first team title in program history, is the Kane County Chronicle Athlete of the Week. The governor is up for election, Austinites are choosing a new mayor, and there are some notable bonds on the ballot, including one to fund affordable housing projects in Austin. HD45: Erin Zwiener The eight propositions (A-H) will be voted on by the residents of Austin during the May 1st 2021 special election that the Austin city council approved during the Feb. 9th council meeting. Guerrero may be the better all-around option of these two. Estimates to run such . Here's what you need to cast your ballot in Central Texas. All rights reserved. Council District 1: Natasha Harper-Madison. All five of the other seats on the board are now up for election, and Weston and Bones allies the Round Rock One Family slate, including former Austin CM Don Zimmerman are truly steeped in evil as they try to QAnon their way into office. Californians are voting on seven. Locally, Austin voters will chose a new mayor and select candidates for five additional City Council seats. Sharon Navarro, a professor of political science at the University of Texas at San Antonio, said the messages Republicans are using to target Latino voters about immigration and the economy seem to be working. Austin has a great record when it comes to voter registration; more . We can help. The story is bizarre read more and will surely be amusing on TV, but Judge Catherine Mauzy is living it right now, y'all, and needs your support. Theofanis impressed us particularly with not only her command of, but her love for, the quirky world of appellate law, the things that make serving on this intermediate bench such an important role as a bulwark for Central Texans and their values against the hostile state government and its compliant high courts. But people who came to Austin in this century year after year, decade after decade, from everywhere, doubling the metro area look at Israel now and hear her speak, and see and hear their own feelings about Austin today, and about our nation and our identities today, reflected back at them feelings of righteousness and belonging and fear, of urgency and need and gritty commitment, articulated by voices not heard before. Someday, one of those movies will be made about Judge Madeleine Connor, the exception to Travis County's good judgment that proves the rule. To find out what exactly will be on your ballot and to read about each candidate, check out the League of Women Voters Vote 411 guide. This seven-candidate field (we talked to six) to succeed retiring Rep. Eddie Rodriguez, now running for Congress, is amazingly qualified, and we thought this would be for sure a double or even triple endorsement.
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