stretch and challenge ofsted

They give apprentices the opportunity to take their learning further and get the highest grade they possibly can. In this approach, the childs thinking is developed through the use of a serve and return conversation in which open-ended questions are asked to build understanding. Cut it into strips. Moreover, for deep learning experiences to occur and be stored in their long-term memory, they need to be exposed to the information at least three times in different formats. Also make time for students to construct their own questions and pose them to their peers. Where a learner has extensive prior knowledge of a topic, ask if they would like to present some of the knowledge they have to the class this can help build confidence and presentational skills. Using these type of accessible resources causes the learner to really think about how all of the parts fit together, a gateway to critical thinking. This chapter introduces and discusses individual learning plans (ILPs) and their use, particularly regarding the setting of learner targets. Most students can be a bystander rather than an active participator. Understanding, On Post-its what can you remember about each man?Make the point about their own talk being more challenging, but also more memorable, Discuss the questions in pairs - feedback. The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) Teaching and Learning Toolkit informs us that homework in secondary school can have a significant impact on student outcomes. How to stretch the more able: go off-piste, dene differentiation and avoid time-wasting marking Conference chair Ian Warwick addresses some of the questions posed by delegates at the 'Stretch and Challenge the More Able' event. And they showOfstedthat providers are taking apersonalisedapproach to apprenticeship delivery. With the Learning Hub, apprentices can . Adopting a challenge model in your school will require an in-depth understanding of the pupils. Youll need to find a way to measure the progression of learning, so you know when theyre ready for that extra push. The level of challenge should be suitable for the pupil which requires a certain level of differentiation. Encourage your son or daughter to talk to the older generation at home about their perspective on events in the past and how views and opinions have altered. One simple strategy is to ask the class to write down the things they already know about a topic, before you begin to study it, and any questions that they want answered during your studies. Onefile Ltd is registered in England with company number 4404879. Follow along to this full body stretching routine to get flexible fast - perfect for anyone from beginners to. A useful metaphor is a chasm that must be crossed: those learners who struggle need you to build a bridge to help them to get over it. Life Support Machine: creating need not . We want every pupil to go beyond their current understanding and where possible, adopt threshold concepts, the type of thinking that changes the way you view the world forever. Teaching to the Top: Attitudes and strategies for delivering real Oops! jetblue flights to destin florida . However, taking . Ego-driven feedback, focusing on the student rather than the task, and grades rather than comments, leads to a decrease in student progress. By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. Each week students participate in discussion and activities that are intended to help . There is no Elder wand, or potions off the shelf to address the issue in a one size fits all scenario. Schools fail to challenge the brightest, warns Ofsted - BBC News marriage transits astrology Accept X and, yes, I'm talking quietly because everyone else is asleep. Well, its all down to the individual learner. Setting up choice can be a tricky one to get right and, if done badly, can be detrimental to stretch and challenge if students choose less cognitively demanding tasks. Encourage your high attainers to read widely around a subject outside of lesson time by providing them with information about suitable materials. Studies have shown that teachers tend to use far more closed questions than open ones, even though open-ended questions lead to more challenge because they require higher-order thinking. In time, our members have also used attitudinal challenges. Learning Hub Set your Intention to stretch: "I will [Stretch] at [TIME] in [LOCATION].". You are signalling to students that youve made a decision that only a few can reach the top. differentiation Where a high-attaining learner has an interest in a subject, they typically want to explore it far more widely than you have time to do at school. Is your school embracing a stretch and challenge agenda? Don't bolt on challenge - build it in. 4. Video: Ideas about stretch and challenge - teacherhead Also make time for students to construct their own questions and pose them to their peers. Use these questions as a simple way to provide extension opportunities in lessons. Top 6 Maths Challenges For Primary School Pupils. Theyll give you apersonalisedtour of the software, show you how OneFile can benefit you, and answer any questions you have. these revisions was to introduce 'stretch and challenge' into A2 assessments to prepare students better for the skills required in higher education and employment. The teaching assistants role needs to be clearly defined. who responded to Ofsted's online questionnaire, Parent View, are overwhelmingly supportive of the school's leaders and what they achieve. All of these resources are available for our members to use across their school. Something went wrong while submitting the form. term "stretching and challenging" is one which has been recently introduced by Ofsted. Stretch and Challenge | STEM Students are notoriously bad at acting upon the feedback given to them by their teachers. If you introduce grading at the right time, it could be a powerful motivator to stretch and challenge learners. One parent wrote, 'I love . Setting up choice can be a tricky one to get right and, if done badly, can be detrimental to stretch and challenge if students choose less cognitively demanding tasks. Its often the last thing we think about after weve planned our lessons. 4) Find suitable adjectives to describe these benefits? If students are producing a piece of homework over a sustained period of time, make sure they are provided with clear structure and steps to success so they can self-regulate. The secret to doing this well is to think about it in three areas of teaching practice: Attitudes: The belief and mindsets teachers need to have themselves and inculcate in their students. Graham Nuthalls research in The Hidden Lives of Learners found that most of the feedback students get is from their peers and that, alarmingly, 80 per cent of it is wrong! Stretch and challenge can be described as an agenda or philosophy as opposed to an outright teaching strategy. Alongside her webinar for NACE members, author and teacher trainer Sue Cowley shares five ways to ensure all learners are stretched and challenged its differentiation, but not as you might expect! The bank of Socratic and exploratory questions embedded within the framework enable teachers to turn a basic question into a more complex task that advances the level of thinking. Privacy Notice It seems the moment I use specific tasks to define challenge I have to abandon any non-subject specific description of high challenge. Please view our Terms and Conditions before leaving a comment. You'll receive the newsletter every Tuesday, Designing activities to really stretch pupils, Stretching a learners thinking with the Universal Thinking Framework, Stretch and Challenge activities using visual tools, Using resources such as 'Writers Block' to stretch students comprehension, Learn more about the Universal Thinking Framework, Learn more about the Learning Skills Framework. The most able students report, published . To find out more about these techniques for creating stretch and challenge, watch Sue Cowley's webinar on this topic (member login required). Ask any teacher what they want from their students and nearly all of them will say I want them to be more independent. How to plan ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum From retrieval practice to test-enhanced learning. Work with the apprentice and employer to set ambitious, yet realistic targets. If students are going to work independently, then they need to have a clear goal in mind where the steps to success help students to judge how well they are working towards their goal. Apply by 15 Mar 2023. This requires a depth of awareness of where each child is and . Normally, it meant an extension task for those who finished their work early; however, the extension work often ended up being more of the same rather than requiring stretching students to think harder. Its often the last thing we think about after weve planned our lessons. Yet few schools have cracked the homework problem. Whatever they are, make sure theyre personal to each learner. Like a GPS, teachers are prone to denying students responsibility for their own path-finding . Once students have attempted a piece of work, teach students how to use pre-flight checklists which ask students to check their own or a peers work against the criteria and highlight areas for development before handing in their very best effort. You can measure prior learning, build apersonalisedcurriculum, track progress, and set stretch and challenge activities in one place. The rationales for using ILPs are addressed in the second section. Outline. Post Ofsted this has been made an area of development across our school, departments are responding in a number of ways. Ofsted's 2015 Common Inspection Framework explicitly highlights the need to ensure effective teaching, learning and assessment for the most academically able pupils. Posted in Advanced Practitioners, CPD for Teachers, Differentiation, Feedback, High grades for learners, Medals and Missions, Questioning strategies, Stretch and challenge, Teaching and learning | Tagged Differentiation, differentiation in group work, feedback for stretch and challenge, group work, Stretch and Challenge, stretching strong . starters, plenaries, modelling and summarising previous learning or taking questions from the class. These could be around grades, but they could be about further qualifications or promotions. CPD: Stretch and Challenge Ideas (teacher made) - Twinkl Yet what isnt as well promoted is that feedback can also have a negative impact on students. Robert Marzano and Debra Pickerings book, Building Academic Vocabulary, shares a structured approach to teaching academic vocabulary. Helpful Tips for 30 Day Stretching Challenge. Rockets and Lightbulbs - Stretch and Challenge - Stretch and Challenge Training, INSET and CPD | Mike Gershon Sue Cowley is an author, presenter and teacher educator. Introduction. Stretch and Challenge | CLF Conference | Dan Nicholls Participants will develop a tool kit of strategies to support teaching and will reflect on how . . stretch and challenge ofsted - This however has to be achieved without increasing work load or work sheets. Lead Practitioner of MFL - St Antony's Roman Catholic School, a PDF How to stretch the more able: go off-piste, dene differentiation and Linked to this, they will need to be taught to think in specific ways so that, when they face difficulties, they can draw upon subject-specific strategies and questions to ask themselves to help them select the right domain of knowledge to complete a task. A classroom where stretch and challenge is embedded is one where students know the standard they are aiming for, actively seek out feedback to reach that standard, and have the tools to move their own learning forward by using this feedback to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding. SecEd prides itself on being written by teachers, for teachers and offering a positive and constructive voice for You are not alone looking for KS2 maths challenges for high attainers. Hold your stretch. We all know that we need to be stretching students whatever their starting points, we know that we have to challenge every child in a class. The aim is to encourage students to work for extended periods of time without relying on the teachers constant input. PPTX Developing a Programme of Challenge - Castle Manor Academy Students may struggle at first with the increased demands placed upon them. The act of having to rephrase or reconceptualise something in order to teach it requires the learner to build empathy, understand alternative perspectives and think laterally. stretch and challenge ofsted stretch and challenge ofsted. To go one step further, the graphic organisers included in the membership are an engaging tool for adding shape to your pupils thinking. Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, which is needed to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Ensure that success criteria for a piece of work makes clear to students how they can demonstrate excellent quality work. Prof Wiliam examines the importance of success . Quay Street, Take on a different perspective that they are not necessarily comfortable with. and challenge, and high expectations. Primary RE Stretch and Challenge | The National College Independence, resilience and TAsAsk any teacher what they want from their students and nearly all of them will say I want them to be more independent. A well-deployed teaching assistant can encourage students who struggle to work independently by modelling the processes required to develop independence and resilience.Teaching assistants can ensure that they work alongside students to get into the habit of chunking tasks down into clear steps for success, asking metacognitive questions and verbalising their thinking, which will lead to the creation of excellent work.Questioning and discussionProf Hattie identifies classroom discussion, where students are given the opportunity to respond to challenging questions posed to them, as being integral to accelerating students learning.Robin Alexander, in his book Towards Dialogic Teaching, highlights the over-reliance on IRF (initiation-response-feedback) in the British classroom. This can range from simple things like answering a 6 mark question in 4 minutes instead of 5. Ofsted aims to improve lives by raising standards in education and children's social care. How do you know when apprentices are ready for that extra push? You can measure prior learning, build a. curriculum, track progress, and set stretch and challenge activities in one place. Ego-driven feedback, focusing on the student rather than the task, and grades rather than comments, leads to a decrease in student progress.Feedback needs to be framed in such a way that it is clear to the student what their learning gaps are and how they can close them before moving onto new learning. Session 1: Examining the Evidence Around More-Able Learners in the Classroom. Ofstedwants providers to stretch and challengealllearners no matter their level. Implementing a stretch and challenge model in your classroom requires teachers and students to recognise that learning should be difficult. Manchester, Linked to this, they will need to be taught to think in specific ways so that, when they face difficulties, they can draw upon subject-specific strategies and questions to ask themselves to help them select the right domain of knowledge to complete a task.Where a student has access to support from a teaching assistant, it is vital that the student doesnt fall into the trap of learned helplessness. Having to have superior writing skills might act as a barrier for embracing a stretch and challenge for all policy. The strategies below(link for original source) are about empowering students and fostering curiosity without huge amounts of preparation and added work. If an apprentice is fluctuating between grades, it could encourage their employer to offer a little more support and help them achieve the higher grade. If students dont respond to our feedback, then whats the point in marking their work? Pygmalion in the Classroom (Pygmalion in the Classroom Rosenthal, R.; Jacobson, L. (1968) Ofsted report View Ofsted report (opens in new tab) School website St Antony's Roman Catholic School, a Voluntary Academy website (opens in new tab) As Director of Academic Practice in Distance Education, I lead on innovation, evaluation, research, and practice development in online and distance education at the University of London. Linda Amrane-Cooper - Chelmsford, England, United Kingdom The SlideShare family just got bigger. This encourages the learner to build empathy with different viewpoints and to consider how a topic looks from alternative perspectives. The teacher can use the framework to document wider knowledge and skills progression. Blue Peter 'Here's one I Prepared Earlier': pre-digested resources. Where a student has access to support from a teaching assistant, it is vital that the student doesnt fall into the trap of learned helplessness. PDF Guidance on preparing students for 'stretch and challenge' in the By using this site, you consent to the placement of these cookies. Stretch and challenging is an effective ways to get even more out of your learners, and to encourage deeper levels of thinking. February 21, 2023, 1:00 PM GMT. I was awarded two extensions and last week was informed I was. 4. . For me, the key to stretch and challenge is to pitch the learning at the higher ability learners. In other words, we are not asking the child to simply do 'more stuff', we are asking them to think about the concept in different ways thus developing a greater depth of knowledge. Tags: If truth be told, many of us can forget to set homework or set something rushed just to keep up with the homework timetable. , but they could be about further qualifications or promotions. In each case the students will then have the remaining time to improve or add to their work. Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) and Targets Lecture - However, this type of differentiation is the most time-consuming for teachers in terms of planning. Already I've been cautioned about the fixed mindset language of 'able' and 'gifted and talented' . Liked by Ellie Stretch. Find out what practical measures you can take to make sure everyone is thinking for themselves. Building on this, parents and carers need to be kept well-informed about their child's progress and have a good understanding about how they support their child's learning at home. 2) Categorise those benefits into different criteria? There is no real challenge posed if a student is told to go off and be independent if, once they get there, they dont have the knowledge or skills to complete the task successfully.The aim is to encourage students to work for extended periods of time without relying on the teachers constant input. In June 2013 research by Ofsted The Most Able Students painted a fairly damming picture of current practice. Since academic vocabulary knowledge is at the heart of being a good speaker, reader and writer, it is important that teachers dedicate enough time to explicitly teaching academic vocabulary in their subject areas to challenge students to express themselves with confidence.Robert Marzano and Debra Pickerings book, Building Academic Vocabulary, shares a structured approach to teaching academic vocabulary. ADD ANYTHING HERE OR JUST REMOVE IT pros and cons of saturday school Facebook david coulthard daughter Twitter dwayne washington 40 time Pinterest busch stadium 2021 rules linkedin how much did anthony joshua get paid Telegram Try to focus on progress for learners across time and not just pushing every learner in every lesson. A key frustration for high attainers is the feeling that they are being taught things in school that they already know. Negator of Challenge: over simplifying and over scaffolding. This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on incorporating stretch and challenge into the RE curriculum, thereby ensuring that it sets high standards and ambitious aims for all pupils, aligned with government expectations. First, only a handful of students are forced to participate those that are chosen by the teacher. Teacher of English - Worle Community School - GOV.UK 2010 2013 last Ofsted reports. Identify clear learning objectives and specify how students will be taught and assessed. PDF Gordano School Embedding Stretch and Challenge - SSAT Using an apprenticeship software like OneFile tomeasure progress will motivate learners to complete more learning, increase their progress and reach their targets. depth Stretch and Challenge - SlideShare Ability to stretch and challenge students' abilities; Accountable for learning and achievements of students across the academy; Motivate staff - leading by example . As apprentices are progressing through the curriculum, you can set stretch and challenge activities to help them build advanced knowledge. Are your colleagues running any research projects or courses? Purchasing Procedure. RPL Funding Calculator However, if you stay resolute and communicate with students the changes you are making and the benefits these changes will bring, they will end up appreciating your high expectations of what they can achieve. Enrol Lesson work can be consolidated and extended. Ofsted reports have identified a range of good practice in parental engagement. Strategy 1: Avoid the following teaching styles.

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