Complete with copy service papers for all of his service. GVF With a large stain to the victory medal & complete with copy service papers, medal roll details, war diary details & pow roll details, WW1 PAIR, HONOURABLE ARTILLERY COMPANY WW1 Pair Stephen. The group of six medals to Hugo Angrave, who served in the 1st Battalion North Staffordshire Regiment in the Sudan Campaign and later in the First World War, is coming to sale with Richard . 8-9-14 & sadly died of wounds in France & Flanders 22-10-14.He is buried in Boulogne eastern cemetery & has a short two line entry in De Ruvigny's roll of honour.He is entitled to the August to November 1914 clasp for the ribbon of his 1914 star but sadly this is missing from the group. He served in India 21-1-1913 to 24-10-1914 & first landed in France 7-11-1914 but was back in the UK by 21-12-1914 having received a gun shot wound to the right leg. 75.00 Indian Mutiny, Lucknow, 97th Foot 515.00 KAR Long Service Medal 195.00 101 Pack Battery 2 clasp IGSM 124.00 Queens Regiment Territorial Efficiency Medal 285.00 SAMANA 1891, 2nd MANCHESTER REGIMENT IGS 1854 With Samana 1891 Clasp NEF & Swing mounted as worn. GVF with MIC & medal roll details, WW1 1914-15 TRIO, 5th YORKSHIRE REGIMENT / GREEN HOWARDS WW1 1914-15 Trio Egypt Medal, dated 1882, British War Medal, Khedives Star, 1882, Commanders Servant G.H. WW1 1914-15 TRIO, 13th ROYAL FUSILIERS, DISCHARGED WITH A SILVER WAR BADGE WW1 1914-15 Trio NO CLASP AFGHANISTAN 1878-79-80, 63rd REGIMENT / MANCHESTER REGIMENT No clasp Afghanistan 1878-79-80 FRANCE & FLANDERS 16-10-1917 WW1 Victory Medal Kabul to Kandahar Star, 2015 Private J. Henderson, C Troop, 9th Lancers. Complete with mic & London gazette details. After he completed his period of regular army service. To- 1089.PTE.S.HOYLE.MANCH.REGT He later transferred to the Royal Defence Corps with service number 72265 & was discharged with a silver war badge. Queens South Africa Medal, bar Defence of Mafeking, Private J. Kelly, Mafeking Town Guard and Cattle Guard. VF or better & Mounted as worn. To- 9041.PTE.J.W.HENDERSON.NORTH'D.FUS GVF & Complete with MIC & medal roll details, WW1 1914 STAR TRIO, 2nd MIDDLESEX REGT, DIED OF WOUNDS AT HOME 15-6-1915 1914 Star trio To- S-6976.PTE.A.J.HULL.MIDDX.R Property details for Burnhill Green. Captain.R.N.Ford.Royal Fusiliers, He twice went out under very heavy fire to ascertain the situatuion, theerby rendering most valuable assistance at a critical time. EF & Complete with London Gazette details, EIIR GSM MALAYA, KINGS DRAGOON GUARDS (K.D.G) EIIR 1st type GSM 1918-1962 with Malaya clasp Tom.E.Sumpton served with both the 15th & 15/17th service battalions of the West Yorkshire Regiment. WWI, 1914 Medal trio for sale. James McKenna was serving with the 7th battalion of the Northumberland Fusiliers when he first landed in France 21-4-1915.He was later renumbered as 290388 and was discharged to the reserve at the wars end He has no known grave but is commemorated on the Ploegsteert Memorial. GVF or better with minor contact marks & complete with MIC details along with both officer & other ranks service papers & other basic research details. To- CAPTAIN.E.E.HENRY.M.S.C To- 4382467.CPL.T.W.MEARING.GREEN.HOWARDS WW1 1914-15 TRIO & MEMORIAL PLAQUE, 7th ROYAL SCOTS FUSILIERS, K.I.A F&F 15-8-1915 WW1 1914-15 Trio & Memorial Plaque Edward Jas Charles Rutter was born in Battersea, London 17-9-1896 & served as an able seaman with the Mercantile Marine (ID cert number 302119) GVF or better & mounted as worn. GVF with traces of glue residue to the reverse of the medals & light traces of attempted silver plating to the obverse of the 1914-15 star. Nine of the eleven survivors were rescued by the patrol boat H.M.S. Sam Scammell was was born in Romsey, Hampshire in 1859 & was issued with his Mercantile Marine pair in 1921 at the age of 60. MINT BOXED ROYAL OBSERVER CORPS LONG SERVICE & BAR WITH ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS Mint Boxed EIIR 2nd type Royal Observer Corps long service medal with 2nd award clasp William Turnbull first landed in France 17-7-1915. WW1 1914 MONS STAR TRIO, 2nd RIFLE BRIGADE, WOUNDED 1914 WW1 1914 Mons star trio To- 2124.PTE.W.G.BOUSTEAD.2/RIF.BRIG To- 10316.PTE.C.MATTHEWS.OX & BUCKS.L.I To- 4873.SJT.J.BELL.16/LRS (on the 1914 star) WW2 EFFICIENCY MEDAL GROUP, FEMALE RECIPIENT A.T.S WW2 Defence Medal, 1939-45 War Medal & GVIR 1st type efficiency medal with Territorial Suspender WW1 1914-15 TRIO, ROYAL MARINE ARTILLERY 1914-15 Trio To- CAPT.W.A.E.M.ARRINDELL.R.WARK.R (Star) WW1 Military Medal and Bar Casualty Medal WW1 Military Medal and Bar Casualty Medal Group of Three - Sjt. WW1 Medals Lawrence Lewis served with both the 1/5th & 17th service battalion of the Royal West Kent Regiment 11-4-1919 age 24 To- 3890.PTE.H.J.ASKEW.10/L.POOL.R and sadly died of wounds in France & Flanders 14-8-1917 serving with the 21st service battalion. NEF & complete with MIC details along with details from both S.D.G.W & the C.W.G.C, WW1 PAIR, 15th W.YORK.REGIMENT, LEEDS PALS WW1 Pair He served onboard HMS Boadicea during the Witu campaign of 1890 & by the time of the 1902 Coronation he was serving onboard the Royal Yacht Victoria & Albert. However his complete file of over 70 pages can be freely downloaded from the Canadian archives website, WW1 1914-15 TRIO & EVII RN LS&GC, HM COASTGUARD WW1 1914-15 Trio & EVII RN LS&GC He was both born & enlisted in Newcastle & is buried in Lonsdale Cemetery at Authuille. Distinguished Service Cross, George V Cypher, World War 1 Issue, officially hallmarked as issued, 1916 production. Gordon Willoughby Howland was born in County Louth, Ireland 1-11-1896 & was commissioned in to the 17th service battalion of the Royal Irish Rifles in 1914.He was attached to the Royal Flying Corps & went on to serve with number 12 squadron in France. To- 22287121.PTE.T.TODD.K.O.Y.L.I All Rights Reserved. To- 3589988.SJT.J.WILSON.4-BORD.R To- 1801.SPR.S.H.MIDDLETON.R.E NEF & Complete with MIC & medal roll details. WW1 1914-15 TRIO & MEMORIAL SCROLL, 11th ESSEX REGIMENT, KILLED IN ACTION F&F 15-10-1916 1914-15 Trio & original memorial scroll WW1 MILITARY MEDAL & 1914-15 TRIO, 4th WORCESTER REGIMENT GVR 1st type WW1 Military Medal (MM) & 1914-15 trio,To- 15052.PTE.A.G.WAITE.4/WORC.REGT To- KW.724.C.DEPLEDGE.ORD.SEA.RNVR. Complete with copy service papers, London gazette details & other basic biographical & military research. EVII T.F.E.M, 2nd EAST LANCASHIRE BRIGADE R.F.A EVII T.F.E.M The recipient was a resident of Carlisle and was awarded his MM for services in France in the London Gazette 11-1-1918 & this was followed by the award of the bar to the MM also for services in France in the London gazette 12-7-1918 Complete with MIC & medal roll details along with London gazette details & other basic information. Alfred Gordon first landed in France 6-11-1914 serving with the 5th Brigade of the Royal Field Artillery. GVF/NEF & Complete with army order details for the award of the T.F.E.M (The Fire service medal is simply named John Garvey). He was awarded his LS&GC in 1926 & was pensioned to shore in 1933. WW1 1914-15 TRIO, 10th HUSSARS WW1 1914-15 Trio Officially impressed To- 16467.PTE.H.BOWER.W.RID.R To- 2-LIEUT.R.RAYNES.DURH.L.I Our price is lower than the manufacturer's "minimum advertised price." WW1 BRITISH WAR MEDAL & IGS AFGHANISTAN NWF 1919, 1/4th ROYAL WEST KENT REGIMENT WW1 British War Medal & GVR 1st type IGS 1908 with Afghanistan NWF 1919 Clasp To- Complete with MIC & medal roll details along with details from both SDGW & the CWGC. GVF with medal roll & MIC details that state the recipient served with the 1/5th battalion. WW1 VICTORY MEDAL, 5th OX & BUCKS.L.I, KILLED IN ACTION. Porter Family WW1 and WW2 Father & Son Porter Family WW1 and WW2 Father & Son Royal Artillery Medal Group - Major J.M.J. Frederick.J.Choake was born in Carlisle & was living at 3 Wigton Road Carlisle when he enlisted in to the 4th battalion of the Border Regiment in October 1914. WWI medal casualty award slip. later Chauffeur Driver in ASC Transport, a local Leicester man from City of Queens South Africa, 5 bars, Talana, Defence of Ladysmith, OFS, Laings Nek, Belfast, 4331 Pte Edward Hickman, 18th Hussars. The recipient enlisted 8-9-1914 & first landed in France 26-8-1915 serving with the 10th service battalion of the Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment.He was discharged with a silver war badge due to wounds 2-11-1919. COMPLETE WITH MIC DETAILS ALONG WITH DETAILS FROM BOTH SOLDIERS DIED IN THE GREAT WAR & THE COMMONWEALTH WAR GRAVES COMMISSION. & 6219.PTE.J.R.TENNANT.5-CAMERONIANS General Service Medal, bar Palestine, Company Sergeant Major Robert Purdie Balingall, Scots Guards. To- 23444829.TPR.A.BROOK.K.D.G He was awarded the immediate M.S.M for services in the Balkans in the London gazette 16-10-1919 & this stated that he was a resident of Farnborough. Jonathan James Hugill was born 15-5-1904 & served with the Durham Constabulary. DRIVER RALPH GREENWELL He was issued with his Mercantile Marine pair in 1921 whilst living in Shirley, Southampton, Hampshire. James Gibson was awarded the Military division of the British Empire Medal in the London Gazette 31-12-1980 as a Chief Petty Officer Physical Training. To- 43317.DVR.A.GORDON.R.F.A IGS VF or better with EK to rim.Complete with MIC & medal roll details. To- 23323.PTE.J.MARSHALL.YORK.R NEF & Complete with medal roll details, GSM PALESTINE, WEST YORKSHIRE REGIMENT GVIR 1st type G.S.M 1918-1962 with Palestine clasp NEF & complete with MIC details along with details from both S.D.G.W & the C.W.G.C. Men who served in the Crimea also eligible for: India Mutiny 1857 38th Regiment and 80th Regiment. WW1 British War & Victory Medal Pair - WW1 British War & Victory Medal Pair - Pte. & 8968.PTE/WO.CL.2.A.ROBERTSON.2/HIGH.L.I T. Dawson. WW1 SILVER WAR BADGE, 18th W.YORK.REGT, ONE OF THE ORIGINAL BRADFORD PALS WW1 Silver war badge with a vertical pin Females Available. Awarded in army order 48/46 31-03-1946 He was wounded in the head & taken prisoner of war at Kemmel in 1918 prior to being discharged to the class Z army reserve 20-2-1919. He finished his was as a captain & when he applied for the issue of his medals in 1921 he gave his home address as 94 Hyndland Road, Glasgow. To- D.BRISTER.10th.HUSSARS NEF/GVF Condition, GENUINE WW2 8th ARMY CLASP FOR THE AFRICA STAR 100% Genuine 8th Army Clasp for the ribbon of the Africa Star 1914-15 TRIO, 7th OX & BUCKS.L.I 1914-15 Trio Australian Dollars (AUD). serving with the 9th battalion of the Norfolk Regt Bridport Antiques. To- 9222.PTE.A.CHALLINOR.N.STAFF.R NEF & Complete with the recipients original WW2 identity card & drivers licence. HE ENLISTED AS A OTHER RANK IN THE MERSEY DIVISION OF THE R.N.V.R 29-3-1917 AND WAS COMMISSIONED AS A TEMPORARY MIDSHIPMAN 2-10-1917.HE WAS DISCHARGED 13-1-1919 AND GAVE HIS HOME ADDRESS AS 26 CENTRAL PARK AVE, LISCARD, CHESHIRE. He was discharged in 1872 and is also entitled to the Indian Mutiny medal with Central India clasp. Known as the ACE A.C.E. AGS, bar Nigeria, 1918, Sergeant later Major Charles Ivor Richards, Royal Fusiliers, on attachment to the 2nd Nigeria Regiment WAFF as a European NCO for the Ogun Adubi War RAF Long Service Medal and Oman Long Service group of 7 medals with to Chief Technician A.M. Grant, Royal Air Force. To- 2335.SERGT.H.LINTER.4th.BN.RIFLE.BDE WW1 1914-15 TRIO, 7th KINGS ROYAL RIFLE CORPS WW1 1914-15 Trio With copy service papers. A scarce medal to the RSM of the Welsh Guards, GVIR 2nd TYPE MERITORIOUS SERVICE MEDAL (M.S.M) WORCESTER REGIMENT GVIR 2nd type annuity M.S.M To- 2396.PTE.G.S.SMITH.SHERWOOD.RANGERS The recipient served with the 2nd battalion on the North West Frontier & is also entitled to the NWF 1937-39 Clasp. 29/7/17. WW1 1914-15 Star Medal Trio - 2nd Lt. R.L. WW1 1914-15 Star Medal Trio - 2nd Lt. R.L.A. Only 650 GV special reserve long service medals issued across all units. Complete with MIC details, London Gazette details, copy service papers & other basic research. NEF & Complete with medal roll details. WW2 DEFENCE MEDAL DEFENCE MEDAL. WW1 BRITISH WAR MEDAL & SILVER WAR BADGE WITH BOX OF ISSUE, MIDDLESEX REGIMENT & A.P.C WW1 British War Medal & the recipients original silver war badge During the Second World War he was a War Substantive Major with the Black Watch, before relinquishing his commission in 1947, receiving the honorary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. & PO.8198. NEF / EF with original full length silk medal ribbons & complete with MIC & medal roll details along with basic biographical details & details from both O.D.G.W & the C.W.G.C, WW1 1914-15 TRIO, OFFICER 7th S.LANC.REGT & R.LANC.REGT 1914-15 Trio SIX BAR QSA & KSA PAIR, SCOTS GUARDS, WOUNDED BELFAST 26-8-1900 QSA 1899-1902 With clasps for Belmont, Modder River, Driefontein, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill & Belfast, K.S.A 1901-1902 With clasps for South Africa 1901 & South Africa 1902 GVR 1st type WW1 immediate Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) & GVR Territorial Force Efficiency Medal To- 33477.PTE.T.E.SUMPTON.W.YORK.R * The first battalion was in South Africa when war broke out and returned first to the UK** Figure is distorted by a disproportionate number of officers (29/40) of the 4th Btn. GVF with small ek to the rim & complete with army order details. He was discharged with a silver war badge due to both wounds & sickness 0n the 20th of December 1918 aged 20 This battalion was raised as a bantam battalion and was raised by the lord mayor of Derby in February 1915. Browse our stock of British Medals from United Kingdom & its Colonies. To- 14146.SJT.H.ROBINSON.R.E To- 8830.PTE.C.BLURING.2/WILTS.R To- 267233.PTE.G.GALLOWAY.R.WAR.R THE PRICE IS FOR A ORIGINAL IMMEDIATE POST WAR EXAMPLE IN N.E.F OR BETTER CONDITION.WITH A FULL LENGTH OF RIBBON, WW2 ATLANTIC STAR ATLANTIC STAR. To- M.B-796.E.NICHOLLS.CMM.R.N.V.R 13141.PTE.J.LEADBETTER.W.RID.R medal in 1934, and was paid a war gratuity for service in H.M.S. GSM MALAYA, CSM, MALAY PENINSULA & LS&GC, R.A.E.C OFFICER EIIR 2nd type GSM 1918-1962 with Malaya clasp, GSM 1962 with Malay Peninsula clasp & EIIR 2nd type Regular Army LS&GC NEF & Complete with MIC details along with details from both SDGW & the CWGC, WW1 PAIR, 526th DURHAM FIELD COY, ROYAL ENGINEERS, KILLED IN ACTION, F&F 8-5-1918 WW1 Pair To- PRIVATE.THOS.BERRY.47th.REGT NEF & Complete with MIC & medal roll details. Coldstream Guards - K.I.A. Spread the cost by taking advantage of our popular layaway scheme. NEF & Complete with medal roll details & other basic research details including census returns. 26 Antique and Vintage Medals For Sale - priced from 50 to 1500. NEF/EF & complete with copy service papers & medal roll details, 2 x MERCANTILE MARINE PAIRS TO A FATHER & SON FROM HAMPSHIRE 2X WW1 Mercantile Marine pairs to a father & son from Hampshire British Medallions He left the service in 1938 but was re-called from the reserve in WW2 & spent his war stationed at the Royal Naval Hospital at Barrow Gurney, Bristol. William.C.Chamberlain first landed in France 7-8-15 serving with the 8th service battalion of the Royal Berkshire Regiment & was discharged to the class Z army reserve at the wars end IGS 1895, PUNJAB FRONTIER 1897-98 & TIRAH 1897-98, 1st DORSET REGIMENT IGS 1895 With Punjab Frontier 1897-98 & Tirah 1897-98 clasps To- 3900.PTE.W.COX.1.BN.DORSET.REGT Albert John Hull first landed in France 7-11-1914 & sadly died of wounds at home 15-6-1915 serving with E-Company of the 2nd battalion To- 22364260.FUS.B.ACEY.R.N.F NEF/EF. Camperdown in July 1894. & EL-TEB-TAMAAI Clasp The London Gazette states that he enlisted in Thornton Hough on the Wirral. NEF & Complete with MIC & medal roll details. To-SO.A.JONES.LF He was awarded the Military Cross for gallantry in France with the following citation. His medals for service in the Great War were sent to H.M. Coast Guard Station Blyth. In Orders, Decorations, . To- 3840.PTE.I.ROBINSON.W.RID.R He was finally repatriated 19-5-1945 & returned to the UK & continued to serve in the Royal Navy until 1950. Please note the recipients surname is spelt Bonstead on the 1914 star & Boustead on the pair. The recipients award of the DSM for services with submarines in enemy waters was published in the london Gazette 2-11-1917 & the award of his military M.B.E was published in the London gazette 1-1-38. Born Smithfield. Complete with copy service papers, WW1 1914-15 TRIO & GV T.F.E.M & BAR,7TH W.YORK.R, LEEDS RIFLES 1914-15 Trio & GV T.F.E.M & 2nd award bar to, To- 26-352.PTE.M.IBBETSON. WW2 MENTION IN DESPATCHES CERTIFICATE,ROYAL ENGINEERS FOR SERVICES IN ITALY 100% Genuine WW2 M.I.D certificate To- EDWARD RUTTER NEF, GVR 1st TYPE IMMEDIATE M.S.M, R.G.A, SOLE ENTITLEMENT FOR HOME SERVICE GVR 1st type immediate M.S.M NEF & Complete with MIC & medal roll details. 27 miles | Biddulph, Staffordshire Private collector of over 50 years wishes to purchase British war and campaign medals pre but including WW2, single items groups ect. E&W AFRICA WITU 1890, 1914-15 TRIO, 1902 CORONATION & EVIIR RN LS&GC, H.M.YACHT VICTORIA & ALBERT East & West Africa Medal with Witu 1890 Clasp, 1914-15 Trio, 1902 Coronation in Bronze & EVIIR RN LS&GC WW1 1914-15 TRIO, 1/5th WEST RIDING REGIMENT WW1 1914-15 Trio Before returning to his old unit. Thomas Stroud served with the 1st battalion of the Border Regiment in South Africa during the Boer war & went on to serve in France during WW1 with the Army Service Corps. Arthur.G.Waite from Kidderminster first landed in France 18-3-1915 & was serving with the 4th battalion of the Worcester Regiment when he was awarded the Military Medal for services in France in the London Gazette dated 23-7-1919. GVF & complete with medal roll details, IGS 1854, HAZARA 1888, 2ND NORTHUMBERLAND FUSILIERS IGS 1854 with Hazara 1888 clasp GVF or better & complete with medal roll details, GVIR TERRITORIAL EFFICIENCY, ROYAL WILTSHIRE YEOMANRY GVI 1st type efficiency medal with Territorial suspender To-557399.TPR.E.F.NORMAN.R.WILTSHIRE.YEO John Milburn Hewitt was one of the original members of the 16th service battalion of the Northumberland Fusiliers. George Innes Galloway enlisted in to the Highland Cyclist battalion in July 1913 with service number 851.He arrived in France in May of 1916 attached to the 2/7th battalion RoyalWarwickshire.Regiment. A SUPERB FAMILY GROUP FOR SERVICE IN PALESTINE TO THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS IN PALESTINE 1936-39 Mint boxed GVIR 1st type GSM 1918-1962 with Palestine Clasp, Mint boxed Male issue 1937 Coronation Medal & Mint boxed Female issue Coronation Medal. Ralph Greenwell was a member of the Royal Engineers (Territorial Force) with service numbers 2293 & 459431. Samuel Thomas Scammell from Southampton was born 8-7-1885 & served as a Boatswain in the Mercantile Marine. 3 BAR QSA, 1st BORDER REGIMENT QSA 1899-1902 With clasps for Cape Colony, Orange Free State & Transvaal GVIR 1st TYPE EFFICIENCY MEDAL WITH MILITIA SUSPENDER, SOUTH LANCASHIRE REGIMENT GVIR 1st type efficiency medal with Militia Suspender William Blakey Roberts was serving with the 1/5th battalion of the West Yorkshire Regiment when he died in France & Flanders 30-7-1918. GVF & Complete with MIC & medal roll details, WW1 1914-15 TRIO, 8th ROYAL BERKSHIRE REGIMENT WW1 1914-15 Trio The recipient was born in Nottingham & enlisted in to the Northumberland Fusiliers 24-6-1892 age 18. New Zealand War Medal, dated 1863-66, 371 Private Henry Jones, 43rd Light Infantry, who fought in the capture of Maketu and 4 Skirmishes during the Maori Wars. MEDALS FOR SALE (October 2022) Please ask for additional pictures or information. Sadly the recipients 1914-15 star is missing from the group. New Zealand Medal, 2218 Pte John Rost, 70th (Surrey) Foot, undated, an original man who set off for India in 1849, returning from New Zealand in 1866. WW1 PAIR, ROYAL NAVAL AIR SERVICE WW1 Pair To- G-124.PTE.J.KETT/KEET.MIDDX.R NEF & Complete with copy service papers,medal roll details & London gazette details. James Sharp was born in Dean, Edinburgh, Midlothian & enlisted in Edinburgh. To- 4270612.FSR.I.BRADLEY.R.NORTH'D.FUS To- WILLIAM.G.STURGEON He was both awarded the Military Cross & mentioned in dispatches 1-1-1916 & was sadly killed in action in France & Flanders 27-5-1918. NEF with medal roll details, EVIIR MILITIA LONG SERVICE, 3rd NORFOLK REGIMENT MILITIA EVIIR Militia Long service It goes on to state his home address which matches his parents address on the C.W.G.C The WW1 Medals to Private Edwin Gregory, South Staffordshire Regiment. EGYPT, GEMAIZAH 1888, 2ND K.O.S.B Egypt & The Nile medal 1882-1889 George Alexander Barnett was born in Halton, Northumberland on 5 May 1898, the son of Captain Edward Barnett, Northumberland Hussars, and was educated at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. principles of behaviour management for group inductions, https www coolmathgames com 0 powerline io r 17iw, peter sullivan outlander,