countries where election day is a national holiday

2020, Virginia. Some say a holiday would increase voter turnout by enabling more people to vote while celebrating democracy. Exact date set by the. Election day should be a national holiday. Which type of claim is this Why Election Day Isn't a National Holiday in the US - Business Insider Instead, lawmakers could simply move nearby Veterans Day to Election Day, emphasizing that voting is both a service to the country and a celebration of the rights and freedoms for which our servicemembers fight. But some think it should be. WASHINGTON, June 24 (Reuters) - Election Day should be a holiday for workers in the United States, President Joe Biden said on Thursday. Lists national days around the world by country or date. First Sunday of July until 2018. As you can see, the world is mostly divided between countries that celebrate a national independence day and countries that celebrate a national unification or revolution day. Because Saturday and Sunday are Sabbath days for devout Jews and Christians, elections would probably have to be held over the two-day period creating a need for more poll workers and a process for securing ballots overnight, Victoria Shineman, a University of Pittsburgh political science professor, wrote in The Washington Post. A cemetery posted a personal ad for a goose whose mate died. Third Monday of October every four years, or after Parliament is dissolved by the. However, those numbers may be attributed to a combination of factors not solely because their elections occur on non-work days. It would give people time to vote. Explain your answer. In the US, Election Day is not a national holiday. Should People Who Have Completed Felony Sentences Be Allowed to Vote? Interestingly, 27 of the 36 countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (made up largely of advanced democracies) conduct their national elections on the weekend. The pros and cons of the felon voting debate include arguments about the social contract, voting while in prison, and paying debts. "We should be making it easier for people to vote, not harder. There is a "need to make voting more accessible, to make it more of a civic duty, to make sure that people don't have to choose between their job and their ability to cast the ballot are issues that are more prominent today than ever before," she told CBS News. Research has found that higher trust in the government and democratic process leads to greater voter turnout. 1. No: Too Inconvenient, Early-Voting Options Ample,, Nov. 5, 2018, Henry Farber, "Increasing Voter Turnout: Is Democracy Day the Answer?,, Feb. 2009, Sarah Issenberg, "The Mystery of the Puerto Rico Voter,, Jan. 27, 2012, Paul LeBlanc, "Virginia Governor Makes Election Day a Holiday and Expands Early Voting,". Should the United States use the Electoral College in presidential elections? 14, 2019, BBC, "Singapore Election: Governing Party Secure Decisive Win,, Sep. 12, 2015, Holly Jackson, "It's Time to Make Election Day a Holiday in Law and Spirit,", Oct. 22, 2018, BCP Associates, "India Elections 2019 - Declaration of Paid Holiday on Polling Day,, Apr. Voter turnout in the United States is usually considered low, especially in years without a presidential election. ], [Editors Note: The MLA citation style requires double spacing within entries. Election Day should be a national holiday - The GW Hatchet Sometimes, specific ballot measures can influence voter turnout: in the UK, the Brexit vote resulted in a 72% turnout, slightly higher than the average of 69%. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Election day or polling day is the day on which general elections are held. Start the discussion over on our Facebook page, and let us know about civic engagement in your town, state, or country! Furthermore, making this small shift would celebrate the purpose and sacrifice of our fighting forces. Making Election Day a holiday would not necessarily involve adding a new holiday, which employers might resistparticularly following the addition of Juneteenth as a national holiday last week. This is the day we cast ballots to select public officials from local to the national government. In the 2016 presidential election, 14% of registered voters cited being too busy or having a conflicting schedule as the main reason they didnt cast their ballots, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of Census Bureau data. This page was last edited on 1 February 2023, at 18:43. Is Election Day a national holiday? Why you don't get the day off There are many ways to boost voter turnout expanding early voting, automatically registering voters, and improving civic education programs . Japan formally celebrates the anniversary of an ancient mythical emperor, although the holiday is mostly ignored today, due in part to its connections with Japan's ugly imperial history. Operated 24:7 through the week. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Opponents say it allows only a few states to select the president. With just about six in 10 voters turning out to vote in the U.S., some civil rights advocates are arguing that it's about time to give Americans the day off to vote. Senator Bernie Sanders has certainly tried heintroducedthe "Democracy Day Act" in 2018, which proposed making Election Day a federal holiday. Election Day is a US State Holiday observed on several states on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November every even-numbered year. [10][11]] Consider, for example, the national days of France and Germany: the former marks the French revolution, in 1789, and the latter marks the German reunification in 1990. Is Election Day a Holiday in Your State? | RepresentUs Chicago, Illinois 60654 USA, Natalie Leppard OK, so why Tuesday? All 435 representatives were up for re-election, as well as a third ofsenators, and countless elections for governors, mayors, state legislators, and local government across the country. In 2018, a Pewstudy found that 65% of Americans favored making Election Day a national holiday. Today in my country it is a national holiday as we celebrate the day when St. Paul converted our whole country to Catholicism in AD 60. Common reasons for a certain day are the date on which a state or country achieved its independence, or the date of the country's patron saint day. 26K views, 1.2K likes, 65 loves, 454 comments, 23 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Citizen TV Kenya: #FridayNight Granderson: Why aren't Democrats making election day a state holiday I think, to the best of my knowledge, it's something like $20. [18][19], Federal law doesnt require private employers to give employees paid federal holidays. [16]. Accessed February 21, 2023., potential benefits and difficulties of changing election day, election day should not be a national holiday. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. "[Early and at-home voting] helps prevent bottlenecks for election administrators because it 'flattens the curve' for when ballots are cast by large numbers of voters," Perez said. South Korea and Israel hold theirs during the week, but have made the day a federal holiday. 2 men found drugged after leaving NYC gay bars were killed, medical examiner says, Battleground Tracker: Tight race in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Lindsey Graham appears before Georgia grand jury, House Jan. 6 committee is having conversations with Justice Department, Georgia grand jury investigating Trump wants testimony from Giuliani, Graham, Trump election interference grand jury to hear from Raffensperger, DHS IG says Wolf changed intel report on Russian interference in 2020. Vanita Gupta, CEO of the Leadership Conference on Human and Civil Rights, is working to increase voter participation and decrease voter disenfranchisement. While countries like Belgium, Sweden, and Turkey saw more than 80% of their estimated voting-age population cast votes in recent elections, less than 56% of the estimated voting-age population. [15] A survey showed that US adults would rather have a federal holiday on Election Day than on Christmas Eve, the Friday after Thanksgiving, or St. Patricks day. [3] In 1800, 83% of the American labor force was agrarian, but today only 11% of total US employment is agriculture-related. The number of early votes cast before Election Day 2020, as of Nov. 1, neared the 100 million mark according to data aggregated by the U.S. The U.S. lags scores of other countries in election participation, ranking 26th out of 32 nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), according to the Pew Research Center. South Africa's is from the first democratic elections, in 1994. 26 th January (Republic Day), 15 th August (Independence Day) and 2 nd October (Gandhi Jayanti). Is Election Day a Federal Holiday? - Newsweek Right now, federal elections are always held on Tuesdays, because farmers in the 1840s needed multiple days to get to the . Managing Editor Four more states only provide time off for biennial, even-year elections: Delaware, Louisiana, Michigan and New Hampshire. In many countries, general elections are always held on a Saturday or Sunday, to enable as many voters as possible to participate; while in other countries elections are always held on a weekday. 12, 2019, Ceylan Pumphrey, "Do Businesses Have to Give Federal Holidays Like Presidents Day Off?,, Feb. 14, 2018, Department of Labor, "Holiday Pay, (accessed Sep. 23, 2019), Peggy Emch, "Is Holiday Pay Required by Law?,, 2013, Fast Casual, "Study: Why Hourly Workers Forced to Work Multiple Jobs,, Apr. With those options early in-person voting and more voter awareness on how to vote by mail voter turnout appears to be trending upward. But some election analysts told CBS News that making Election Day a holiday is not a way to make voting easier. To look through the stats for voter turnout for other countries, you can visit the website for the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) and explore the data. Other politicians, businesses, and advocacy groups have voiced their approval of celebrating Election Day as a national holiday. Topics Explainers Politics US Evergreen US Explainers YOU MIGHT LIKE An additional day off school would prove to be problematic for individuals who may not have other readily accessible forms of childcare. [24], People who have already suffered significant disenfranchisement, such as women and people of color, are more likely to be working those low-income jobs that wouldnt get the time off to vote even on a national holiday. The Freedom to Vote Act would make Election Day a national holiday. ", "National Electoral Code Article 53 and 148", Report of the 2014 National Lawyers Guild Bolivian Election Observation Delegation, Voting hours for elections in EU Member States, "The Parliamentary Electoral System in Denmark", Consultation Report on Review of Electoral Arrangements, "India Elects 2019: The World's Largest Election, Explained", "Six Nations match at the centre of row over election date -", "With full term possible, Netanyahu may outlast Ben-Gurion (and Obama)", Confessionalism and Electoral Reform in Lebanon, "Voters reminded not to reveal voting intention at Sunday's polling", "Malaysia's election on a Wednesday favors PM, opposition says", "Elections in Mexico and the US: Comparisons and contrasts", "Law on Election of Councillors and Members of Parliament", "Election Days General Elections 1853-2011", "The main features of the Norwegian electoral system", "Tribunal Electoral de Panam convoca a elecciones generales de 2024", "Peru Can Give U.S. According to the Pew Research Center, of the thirty-six nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the U.S. is one of nine that votes on a week day, and one of seven that doesn't designate election day a national holiday. Essential reporting and analysis from correspondents around the world. Election Day isn't a national holiday in the US, but some people think it should be. Georgia grassroots groups helped Biden win. Some countries, including Belgium and Turkey, see such high voter turnout mainly because of their compulsory voting laws. Pro/Con Arguments | Discussion Questions | Take Action | Sources | More Debates, Election Day in the United States has occurred on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November ever since President John Tyler signed an 1845 law establishing a specific voting day for the entire country. To make Election Day a national holiday, it would take an act of Congress, and so far, no bills proposing such action have passed. [12], The idea that voting should be a celebration, not a chore is one argument for turning Election Day into a national holiday, according to Archon Fung, PhD, and Jane Mansbridge, PhD, professors at the Harvard Kennedy School. While the majority of US states have voter leave laws that guarantee certain employees a modicum of time off to vote, no federal law currently mandates that employees get time off to cast their ballots. There is no fixed election day for general elections, although since 1986 every general election has been held on Sunday. Election Day in USA in 2023 | Office Holidays Why Election Day is Held on a Tuesday in November in the U.S. A Boatload of Ballots: Midterm Voter Turnout Hit 50-Year High, Estonia's i-voting: more secure, more popular, Macedonia referendum: Low voter turnout puts country's name change at risk, What Voting and Elections Look Like Around the World, X Marks the Choice: Voting Methods around the World, Defense Language and National Security Education Office. Corrections? Is Election Day a Federal Holiday? - NBC Chicago For rest of the festival holidays the declaration . And so while it's very understandable that people are trying to find ways to make it more convenient for people to vote, it's very likely that Election Day as a national holiday would actually hurt the voters who most need more options," Becker said. [27], Companies including Abercrombie & Fitch Co., Farmers Insurance, Kaiser Permanente, Patagonia, and Walmart have joined Make Time to Vote campaign, which encourages employers to provide paid time off, schedule no meetings on Election Day, and give information on mail-in ballots and early voting. Plus, some experts say moving to weekend voting could substantially increase the cost of running elections. So far this year, hundreds of bills have been introduced that could have the effect of suppressing peoples right to vote. Litigation pending before the Supreme Court this term in Brnovich v. DNC, however, threatens to undermine this rule. List of national independence days - Wikipedia Make Election Day a National Holiday | YIP Institute While making Election Day a national holiday or moving it to the weekend would by no means be a cure-all, it could be used in conjunction with other strategies like automatic voter registration (nearly 87% of registered voters participated in the 2016 election), restoring voting rights for formerly incarcerated people and removing other barriers such as voter ID requirements and voter roll purges that often disenfranchise people of color. And in Australia, there is a fine. Voting Around the World - Home | CultureReady

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