Policies DAA, DIA. . Clements High School in Alabama - U.S. News Education Teachers Clements High School employs 138 teachers, who have been with the school an average of 8 years. Ms. Donean Chinn-Parker, Assistant Principal, Ms. Carole Roskoph, Director of Student Activities, Mr. Nick Caputi Ms. Brittany Lamb Ms. Maggie Strimel, Ms. Suzanne Elsherif Mr. Todd Powers Ms. Cynthia Snowden, Ms. Christie Robertson Ms. Lisa Saffici, Dr. R. Matthew Covington, Assistant Principal, Mr. C. J. Davis, Director of Student Activities, Mr. Roberto Figueroa Ms. Maria Han Ms. Talia Branda, Ms. Carly Friedman Ms. Carli Clements Ms. Tracye Walsh, Ms. Laurie Grossman Ms. Regina James Ms. Jennifer DiStefano (SAC) Mr. Darren Gamel Ms. Viney (Yolanda) McClain. : Career in engineering Careers: computer science Robotics Technician Computer Programmer Strength in math, Medical Researcher science, design, and Engineer problem solving. Winter 2022-3 BASIC ENGLISH REGISTRATION INFORMATION. Foundation Graduation Plan 22 credits 4 English ELA I - III & one advanced 3 Science - Biology, IPC or Chem. District Office Hours M-F 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Igniting curiosity, strengthening resilience, and inspiring excellence to empower each students academic journey. End of Course Science (Clements High School) 50.7: 33.9 16.8% End of Course Science (Limestone County) 41: 30.1 11% End of Course Science (Alabama) 42.6: 31.7 10.9%: Student Body. CLEMENTS FFA BOOSTER CLUB 2022-2023 meetings Parents will meet once a month in Mrs. Vandivort's room 1605 at 6:30 PM on the following dates: (Subject to change) Students will typically meet after school on these same days but please verify with your students. Stephanie Hoogerwerf, School Nurse (281) 634-2178. In this setting, students are provided an opportunity to discuss their thoughts and feelings regarding issues concerning them. Note: School map boundaries may have changed for the current school year. : Accountant Students interested in Aircraft Controller agriculture, business, Interior Designer accounting, digital Electrician graphics, and architecture. Based on racial and economic diversity and survey responses on school culture and diversity from students and parents. *This amount includes costs associated with architectural, engineering, financing, and legal fees, and other pre- and post-construction expenses. The school is part of FORT BEND ISD. The Fort Bend Independent School District, an Equal Opportunity Educational Provider and Employer, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sex, national origin, disability and/or age, military status, genetic information, or any other basis prohibited by law in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment decisions. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. Rising Seniors Webinar (Class of 2024): 2/6/2023 @ 6:00 PM, Rising Juniors Webinar (Class of 2025): 2/7/2023 @ 6:00 PM, Rising Sophomores Webinar (Class of 2026): 2/9/2023 @ 6:00 PM, Rising Freshmen Webinar (Class of 2027): 3/6/2023 @ 6:00 PM. Niche requires Javascript to work correctly. Endorsements: Arts and Humanities Who? And Training Principles of Human Services Human Growth & Development Fashion Design Human Growth & Development Anatomy and Physiology Instructional Practices in Ed. Clements high school course selection 2020-2021, Windermere high school graduation requirements, Indiana high school graduation requirements 2023, Powerpoint templates for graduation project, Georgia requirements for high school graduation, Crescenta valley high school summer school, Clements High School Course Selection th 8 grade, GRISWOLD HIGH SCHOOL Graduation Requirements Course Offerings GRADUATION, Memorial High School Course Selection Path to Graduation, Course Selection 2020 2021 Shawnee High School Graduation, New Graduation Requirements Graduation Requirements New Definitions Graduation, High School Graduation Plan Improving the Graduation Rate, Graduation Requirements Westwood High School Graduation Requirements Core, Graduation Requirements and More GA High School Graduation, Azle High School Early Graduation Information Early Graduation, Graduation Requirements Understanding High School Credits GCPS GRADUATION, Graduation Projects Oxford Area High School Local Graduation, Cherokee High School GRADUATION Graduation will be held, English Graduation Review Georgia High School Graduation Test, Hialeah High School GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS MDCPS Graduation Requirements, Graduation 2013 South Forsyth High School Student Graduation, Course Selection 2018 2019 Entering Your Course Selection, High School Orientation Graduation Requirements Standard High School, HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Athena High School Counselors, Spring Spring MVC Spring DI Spring AOP Spring, Diamond HillJarvis High School COURSE SELECTION REVIEW COURSE, St Clements School Newsletter Spring 2018 This term, Oratory Motif Graduation Speech After graduation from high, Jackson County High School Olivia Szymborski Kennith Clements. of students and parents agree that the teachers give engaging lessons. [emailprotected] com / 281 -634 -7674, Course Selection Online input window: January 22 nd February 22 nd district wide. The teachers are also very willing to help and they take their time when teaching, sometimes its fast paced but you get used to it. CLASSES: Monday to Friday 8:45 A.M. - 12:45. Les tudiants doivent se prsenter en personne pour s'inscrire. Careers: Robotics Technician Computer Programmer Medical Researcher Engineer Biochemist Microbiologist Environmentalist. Principles of Agriculture Principles of Human Service Arts and A/V Livestock Production Interior Design A/V Production Advanced Interior Design Animation Wildlife, Fisheries and Ecology Management Vet Med Practicum in Advanced A/V Interior Design Production Business & Industry Sports Market. The student body is also very diverse. The Fort Bend Independent School District, an Equal Opportunity Educational Provider and Employer, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sex, national origin, disability and/or age, military status, genetic information, or any other basis prohibited by law in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment decisions. Students have received Course Selection materials. Endorsements: Business and Industry Who? N.B. Clements Junior High School records sent to another school or college. According to state test scores, 75% of students are at least proficient in math and 85% in reading. According to state test scores, 75% of students are at least proficient in math and 85% in reading. The cost is only $100.00 per session, including all fees and books. Clements Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA), HOSA National Technical Honor Society (HOSA NTHS), National Computer Science Honor Society (NCSHS), RHO KAPPA National Social Studies Honor Society. Clements High School is a diverse community of lifelong learners which seeks to enhance each student's potential for academic excellence and social responsibility. This is the percentage of students that scored at or above proficiency levels on their state reading/language arts assessment test. Registration Documents Required for our Basic English Courses, IF YOU ARE BORN OUTSIDE OF CANADA YOU MUST ALSO BRING A PASSPORT, VALID OR EXPIRED, FROM YOUR COUNTRY. The allocation of time to particular areas varies depending on the time of year and student needs. 5 speech, 6 electives * 2 LOTE, 1 PE, 1 Fine Art, . Soccer - Men's JVB vs Ridge Point, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM For additional questions, please reach out to your campus counselor. aspx? 5) & Economics (. 5 health/. Lastly, the extracurriculars such as the sports and fine arts departments are outstanding. Where can I view the recording? Clements High School Course Selection Spring 2019 Graduation Slides: 27 Download presentation Clements High School Course Selection Spring 2019 Graduation Requirements Foundation only 22 credits Foundation + Endorsement 26 credits Distinguished levels of Achievement 26 credits What is a Credit? Special Course Request JotForm: Click HERE! 5) 2 LOTE, 1 PE, 1 Fine Art, . Best College Prep Public High Schools in Texas. To win the coveted "Semifinalist" designation in Texas for the 2021-2022 competition, students must have earned a "selection index" score of 220 out of 228 ( up from 219 for the previous year ), which is roughly equivalent to a 1470 out of 1600 SAT composite score. or Physics & one advanced 3 Math - Algebra I, Geometry & one advanced 3 Social Studies - World Geography or World History, US History, Government (. The student population of Clements High School is 550 and the school serves 6-12. . Westmount is the only public school in Quebec to offer the AP program. Average salary for all teachers within the district. Digital Interactive Media Anatomy and Physiology, Pre-AP/Honors /AP Courses (Advanced Placement) Willing to accept higher academic standards Mature enough to work independently Motivated to begin advanced academic curriculum Required to complete summer assignments prior to 1 st day of school, Extra-Curricular Clubs / Athletics Over 100 clubs and organizations at Clements Open House/Club NightSept 2016 Colleges like to see participation on applications Meet new friends and have a sense of belonging Boosts school spirit , EOC Testing End of Course / STAAR 5 EOC tests English I (Reading/Writing) English II (Reading/Writing) Algebra I Biology U. S. History, Future Testing PSAT (preliminary SAT) 9 th & 10 th PSAT/NMSQT 11 th grade Can qualify for National Merit Scholar SAT/ACT 11 th & 12 th grade. For additional questions, please reach out to your campus counselor. I am currently in my senior year at Clements High School and I can honestly say I am glad I went to this school. It has 2,496 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 19 to 1. Copyright 2023 Limestone County School District, Career awareness and interest surveys (KUDER), Building test coordinators for all standardized test. Clements High School Unclaimed 7730 Highway 72 W, Athens, AL 35611 Contact info Website 6 /10 GreatSchools Rating 5 reviews 506 Students Grades 6-12 6 /10 GreatSchools Summary Rating 6/10 Test Scores average 5/10 Academic Progress average 8/10 College Readiness above average 4/10 Equity below average Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ACADEMICS of students and parents agree that students at this school are athletic. The academics are amazing and yes its hard sometimes but its worth it. :), Fort Bend Independent School District, TX. This is the disclaimer text. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated), Elective Information Night (Tuesday, 1/24! Average ACT composite score out of 36, as reported by Niche users from this school. Students must come in person to register. Ms. Laurie Grossman Ms. Regina James Ms. Jennifer DiStefano (SAC) Mr. Darren Gamel Ms. Viney . 97-0256, IMRFCompensation Report - P.A. Course Requirements: Endorsements FBISD students will have already selected endorsement in Skyward Family Access Students will have the opportunity to change their endorsement. Responsive services include personal counseling; crisis counseling; conflict resolution; agency or school system program referral; consultation for parents, teachers or other professionals. Attendance Office FAQs. College and Career Readiness Advisor raven. The. Clements High School 4200 Elkins Drive, Sugar Land, TX 77479 281-634-2150 * Parents/guardians who wish to request an alternative placement for a student in English, Math, Science or Social Studies will be able to do so within the first few steps of the Freshman Elective Course Selection Form. Special Course Request JotForm: Click HERE! Materialshave been updated for the 2023-24 course selection process. With this in mind, the EMSB offers a full range of academic programs for students looking, learn English or French, complete their secondary school or complete pre-requisites for CEGEP. As we begin preparing for the 2023-24 school year, this page will assist you with everything you need to know about course selection. Middle school visits FCMS 1/29; FSMS 1/30 ; SMS 1/28 Course Selection must be done online during this time frame and students must log in under students information, not parent information. We strive to help students improve their performance, no matter the subject or level. 5 speech 6 electives * 2 L OTE, 1 PE, 1 Fine Art, . esc 7. net/default. 5) & Economics (. The AP participation rate at Clements High School is 65%. This is the percentage of 12th graders who graduated. A directory of those individuals may be found at the bottom of the page. World Language 2 credits in the SAME World Language Example: Spanish I WL credit #1 Spanish II WL credit #2, Fine Arts 1 Credit Must be full credit of one of the following: Choir Band Orchestra Dance (FA) Theatre Arts Art Floral Design, Physical Education 1 Credit Credit can be obtained from the following: P. E. Team Sports and P. E. Individual Sports Athletics Marching Band (Fall semester only) ( choose PE substitution number in addition to band) JROTC Dance (PE) Cheerleading (Fall semester only), Health & Professional Communications Health Education Class credit/one semester class Professional Communications(Speech) Credit / one semester class, Course Requirements: Endorsements Similar to a college major Endorsement pathways are typically a sequence of courses for 4 credits Can focus on Academics, Fine Arts, JROTC, or Career and Technical Education. FBISD Course Selection Guide (Includes Prerequisites and full course descriptions): CLICK HEREHow to Input Endorsements, Career Plans, and Alternates in Skyward (FBISD): CLICK HERECareer Plans in Skyward: CLICK HERECHS Elective Video: CLICK HERE, Link to FBISD Graduation Requirements: CLICK HERE, Information on Athletic Courses & Periods: Click Here for Info on Athletic Courses, Information on World Languages: Click Here for More Info on World Languages. cot est de seulement 100$ par session, incluant tous les frais et les livres. Baseball - Sophomore vs Cinco Ranch (Katy ISD Tournament), 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM 7730 U.S. HWY 72 | Athens, AL 35611 PH: 256.729.6564 | FX: 256-729-1029Counselor's Fax: 256-998-5281. name=HB 5. homepage, Course Requirements: Endorsements Select endorsement in Skyward Family Access Opportunity to change their endorsement Final endorsement must be indicated in writing and signed by the parent, Fort Bend Independent School District Distinguished Level of Achievement Graduation Plan 26 credits Student must fulfill the Graduation requirements of at least one of the five Endorsements below and successfully complete Algebra II. Middle School and High School counselors provide such services to the student in their respective grade levels. All documents and fees are mandatory on the day of registration. Clements High School Course Selection th 8 grade Parent Night Welcome Class of 2020 Introductions Principal's Welcome Introductions Overview of evening Graduation Requirements Class of 2020 Foundation only 22 credits Foundation + Endorsement 26 credits Distinguished levels of Achievement 26 credits What is a Credit? Public Service Education Public Service Cosmetology Public Service Nutrition Principles of Ed. Counselors will meet individually with students and finalize course selections by mid-February. Clements High School - Athens, Alabama - AL | GreatSchools The percentage of students achieving proficiency in math is 72% (which is higher than the Texas state average of 37%) for the 2020-21 school year. 1 week ago Web Schools / Homepage - Fort Bend ISD great www.fortbendisd.com. 5 speech, 6 electives* 2 LOTE, 1 PE, 1 Fine Art, . Tous les documents doivent tre des originaux, *Confirmation de rsidence permanente (IMM5292, IMM5688, IMM1000), * Certificat de selection du Quebec (CSQ) with category RA or R8 with a study permit and Document Du Demanuer D'Asile au sens de la loi sur l'immigration et la protection des refugies (IMM1442B), * une carte d'assurance-maladie ou un permis de conduire valide comme preuve de rsidence au Qubec, SI VOUS TES N L'EXTRIEUR DU CANADA, VOUS DEVEZ GALEMENT APPORTER UN PASSEPORT, VALIDE OU EXPIR, DE VOTRE PAYS, 1) Certificat de naissance du Qubec, version longue, 2) Carte d'assurance maladie ou permis de conduire valide comme preuve de rsidence au Qubec, Comment obtenir un certificat de naissance du Qubec. Because states implement these tests differently, use caution when comparing this data to data from another state. This video is applicable for to-be sophomores, juniors and seniors. & Wellness AND Prof Comm. The endorsement, and any changes, must be indicated in writing and signed by the parent. Students must come in person to register. Niche ranks nearly 100,000 schools and districts based on statistics and millions of opinions from students and parents. Course selection; Diploma options; Update/review four-year plan; Transcripts; Letters of Recommendation . Course Selection Frequently Asked Questions, Graduation and College Requirements Comparison (PDF). Content has beenupdated for the 2023-24 course selection process. 7 National Conference of Firemen and Oilers Contract, Integrated Math - Frequently Asked Questions, Physical Education/Health/Driver Education, Athletic Hall of Fame: Jane (Novak) Cook '79, Athletic Hall of Fame: Robert "Dale" Johnson '61, Athletic Hall of Fame: Russell "Swede" Sandberg '42, Athletic Hall of Fame: Erin (Reiter) Thompson '89, Athletic Hall of Fame: Cheryl (Paxson) Blakney '81, Athletic Hall of Fame: Nick Bromberek '00, Athletic Hall of Fame: Robert Michalek '55, Athletic Hall of Fame: Nikole (Hoster) Callahan '98, Athletic Hall of Fame: "Golden Age of Lemont Football", Athletic Hall of Fame: Thomas Leffler '75, Athletic Hall of Fame: Carolyn (Paxson) Heath '84, Athletic Hall of Fame: Al and Cheryl Senffner, Athletic Hall of Fame: Jason Wilebski '86, Athletic Hall of Fame: Victor Markiewicz '65, Athletic Hall of Fame: Christian Vande Velde '94, Athletic Hall of Fame: 1988 and 1989 Softball Teams, Athletic Hall of Fame: George McDevitt '83, Athletic Hall of Fame: 1979-80 Girls' Basketball Team, Athletic Hall of Fame: Anthony Jordan '91, Athletic Hall of Fame: Suzette (Lesnieski) Sniegowski '76, Athletic Hall of Fame: Valerie (Rydberg) Cole '01, Athletic Hall of Fame: Suzie Rzegocki '07, Athletic Hall of Fame: Kristen (Carvell) Bogun '00, Athletic Hall of Fame: Randy Bromberek '92, Athletic Hall of Fame: Catherine Chappell '03, Athletic Hall of Fame: Eric Michaelsen '81, Athletic Hall of Fame: 1973-74 and 1974-75 Boys' Basketball Teams, Athletic Hall of Fame: Tammy (Jordan) Richter '94, Athletic Hall of Fame: Rhonda (Anderson) Campagna '94, Athletic Hall of Fame: Lisa (Holford) Lafary '85, Athletic Hall of Fame: Cindy (Bromberek) Schuit '88, Athletic Hall of Fame: Brenda (Holford) Smith '81, Athletic Hall of Fame: Eugene Goldsmith '77, Athletic Hall of Fame: Melanie (Waszak) Martinez '10, Extra-Curricular Activity Participation Fees, AlumniClass.com site for Lemont High School. Our elective info will begin at 6PM in the commons. 5 health/. 5 Health /. 7730 U.S. HWY 72 | Athens, AL 35611 PH: 256.729.6564 | FX: 256-729-1029 Counselor's Fax: 256-998-5281 Some of the specific activities at Clements for all grade levels are listed below: Counselors are available to meet with all students on an individual basis. Want to know more about selecting courses? of students agree that they like their school and feel happy there. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. : Interested in the fine arts, world languages, and social studies Careers: Actor Movie Director Translator Ambassador Musician, Arts and Humanities Endorsement Pathways SAMPLE ARTS AND HUMANITIES ENDORSEMENT PATHWAYS Arts & Humanities Social Studies World Geography World History U. S. History Government Economics Arts & Humanities World Lang. Fort Bend Independent School District Distinguished Level of Achievement Graduation Plan 26 credits Student must fulfill the Graduation requirements of at least one of the five Endorsements below and successfully complete Algebra II. **This form is intended to request a course where a student meets the pre-requisite but is unable to choose the course in Skyward Family Access. How do I access the Course Selection Form? For one, Clements is known for its academic prestige and ability to prepare students for the college workload they will face after graduation. Clements High School in Sugar Land TX - SchoolDigger Because states implement these tests differently, use caution when comparing this data to data from another state. 5 Speech 4 Elective Credits, Endorsements: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Who? Questions/Procedures about Attendance . http: //www. One of the only negatives that come to mind is the pressure on the students with their academics. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. : Careers: Interested in Accountant agriculture, business, Aircraft Controller accounting, graphics, Interior Designer architecture. The teachers average 11 years of experience in teaching. Student-Teacher Ratio may not be indicative of class size. 5) & Eco (. However, the rigorous courses make sure that students learn how to manage their time wisely and how to quickly absorb new information while being organized. Clements High School Course Selection Spring 2019 Graduation Clements High School in Athens, AL - US News Best High Schools CLEMENTS FFA BOOSTER CLUB - Home Houston's National Merit Semifinalists for 2021-2022 My school takes a lot of pride in how all of its programs are extremely organized and efficiently run. Employment decisions will be made on the basis of each applicants job qualifications, experience, and abilities. 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save Final Course Selection Future Gr 11 Chs For Later, SPRING 2014 COURSE SELECTION WORKSHEETS FUTURE, Enroll in BOTH course numbers for AP Bio, AP Chem, AP Physics C, Final enrollment to be determined by the Director of each, Fulfills Fine Arts credit/Does not fulfill PE requirement, Dance II or III and will be placed in Drill Team class upon, PE/Dance II is designed for students who have already earned, Fine Arts credit in Dance I(FD113) and want to earn, The following are one semester PE courses , Parent Name: ________________________ Home Phone________________ Daytime Contact#_____________, Course requests for 2014 -15 school year will. College and Career Readiness Raven Hollins-Crowder, M. Ed. Clements High School Course Selection Spring 2019, Graduation Requirements Foundation only 22 credits Foundation + Endorsement 26 credits Distinguished levels of Achievement 26 credits, What is a Credit? Course Selection DatesFebruary 15, 2021 Open window for online course requests and four-year plan updates (8:30 AM) in Student Access March 5, 2021Close window for online course requests / four-year planning automatically at midnight.
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